How To Encourage Learning In Your Household

You want what’s best for your boys. You want to set them up with all the life skills they’ll need to go out into the big wide world. Start at home.  It’s easier to encourage learning and curiosity than you may think! Here are some

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How To Prepare Your Son For Preschool

Finding the right preschool and ensuring your son will be happy there can be a bit confusing and overwhelming. However, as much as this is a big step for parents, it is also a big step for the little boy involved, especially if he has

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Building Boys & Learning During a Pandemic

Learning during a pandemic is challenging.  Hell — LIVING during a pandemic is challenging. But you already know that. The chaos, confusion and sense of overwhelm are likely intimately familiar to you now. What you want — need –– are answers. Answers that will help you

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ON BOYS: August 2020

We covered a lot of ground on ON BOYS parenting podcast in August: Back-to-school (pandemic-style!) How (& why) to start a boys’ book club Encouraging boys’ interests, no matter what they are Raising boys who become good men If you haven’t already, be sure to

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What About School?

What about school? is the question on everyone’s minds right now. It’s on the minds of school district administrators, teachers, parents, legislators, school staff…everyone, really. There is an upside to this near-universal questioning. For the first time in the 20 years I’ve been raising kids

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Raising Boys to Be Good Men: Book Review

I have spent two decades working on raising boys to be good men. Have I succeeded? Early signs look good — my 22 year old is living, working and studying independently in another state; my 19 year old recently cooked me a birthday dinner; and

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Reading Raising Cain

My oldest son wasn’t yet two when Raising Cain:Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys was published in 1999. At the time, I was so immersed in the process of parenting that I didn’t have any time to read and reflect on the experience. And, my

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Raising A Black Son: A Fight to Flourish

Twenty-six years ago, a beautiful baby boy inducted me into parenting. His birth was not as difficult as TV dramas portrayed, but raising up my black son would be far more strenuous labor.  My adorable son was also a clingy baby, and it was a

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Raising my Black Boys

Raising my sons has always been a pleasure. I don’t know when the flip switched from joy to fear, but I constantly balance the two in my hands and heart, both of which feel helpless at times. You see, my boys are getting older, and

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Building Boys

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