Tips For Raising Healthy & Happy Boys

2 boys sitting on green grass looking at a book


Raising boys isn’t always easy, but it’s one of the most gratifying jobs in the world. You love your son or sons and want to see them succeed. The good news is that there are steps and actions you can take to help ensure your boys grow up to be healthy and happy in the long run.

It’ll require time and attention on your part but know that your efforts will soon pay off. It won’t be long before you’re getting along better and building a deeper bond with your boys. These are best practices that can be tweaked and adapted given your parenting style and lifestyle.

Take an Interest in Their Lives

One tip for raising healthy and happy boys is to take an interest in their lives and be there for the big moments. You want your son or sons to know that you care and support them. For instance, it may be attending their school play or cheering them on at a sporting event. Get on board with what activities and hobbies they have and want to do as long as it’s making them feel good about themselves and they are positive habits they’re adopting.

Spend Quality Time Together

It’ll also be helpful for you to spend more quality time with your kids if you want them to be happy and healthy. They need this nurturing, and it’s an excellent way to relax and have fun together. For example, maybe you sit down and watch their favorite sporting events or wrestling matches with them on the weekend. You may want to consider how to install a VPN on your Firestick by visiting so you can stream sporting events from around the world that aren’t blocked given your location. Your boys will love the fact that you’re willing to sit with them and cheer on their favorite sports teams together.

Listen & Have Conversations

Your kids essentially want to be heard and want to know you’re there to listen. Lend an open ear and listen without judging or trying to impose your views on your boys. Have conversations with them over the dinner table and before school to ensure you’re both on the same page. It’s important to discuss both the lighthearted and serious topics with your boys as they grow up and mature. You can raise healthy and happy boys by keeping the lines of communication open and them knowing they can come to you with their problems or when they need advice. Make your home a safe space, and express emotions and feelings.

Be A Good Role Model

Your kids are always watching and learning from you. As the adult and parent, it’s your job and responsibility to be a good role model. You can raise healthy and happy boys by showing through example the best ways to behave and how to take care of yourself and a family. It’s also an opportunity to delegate responsibilities to them that you think they can handle and will teach them life skills they can use and take with them in the future.  

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The Building Boys Bulletin

The Building Boys Bulletin Newsletter gives you the facts, encouragement, and inspiration you need to help boys thrive. Written by Jennifer L.W. Fink, mom of four sons and author of Building Boys: Raising Great Guys in a World That Misunderstands Males, Building Boys Bulletin includes:

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“I learned a lot about helping boys thrive over the past 20+ years — most of it the hard way! I’m eager to share what I’ve learned to make your path a little easier.”   – Jennifer

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