How To Guide Boys In Their Interests

Helping boys discover (and engage in) their interests is one way we can address the fact that boys’ needs are often overlooked or ignored in modern society. But how do we as parents do this? Here are a few ideas you can use to guide

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Your Son’s Health Must Always Come First

Your son’s health is a priority. When he’s young, it’s up to you to take all the necessary safety precautions, and you can control his food intake and exercise so his health is in the best possible condition. As he gets older, you step back

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How To Be A Calmer Parent

Parenting is stressful. Wonderful — and stressful. As a parent, you have ultimate responsibility for another person’s life and well-being, and that can often feel overwhelming. You might even start questioning yourself and your abilities, which can lead to rising anxiety and decreased patience.  

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The Benefits of Getting your Boys Involved with DIY

DIY activities are one way to counterbalance screen time. And, boys tend to process their feelings and emotions most effectively when their bodies are also in motion, so creating opportunities for them to design and build physical objects will benefit their overall development. Here’s how: Improved

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Host The Best Lockdown Birthday With These Tips

A birthday party for a young boy is hard enough to plan and coordinate, but a lockdown birthday? That’s a lot more difficult than usual! The outbreak of COVID-19 may have taken away playdates, school and most party scenarios, but that doesn’t mean that you

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2 boys sitting on green grass looking at a book

Tips For Raising Healthy & Happy Boys

Pexels Raising boys isn’t always easy, but it’s one of the most gratifying jobs in the world. You love your son or sons and want to see them succeed. The good news is that there are steps and actions you can take to help ensure

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How To Encourage Learning In Your Household

You want what’s best for your boys. You want to set them up with all the life skills they’ll need to go out into the big wide world. Start at home.  It’s easier to encourage learning and curiosity than you may think! Here are some

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How To Prepare Your Son For Preschool

Finding the right preschool and ensuring your son will be happy there can be a bit confusing and overwhelming. However, as much as this is a big step for parents, it is also a big step for the little boy involved, especially if he has

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Building Boys

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