What Instruments Are Great For Your Child To Learn?

Teaching your child to play an instrument, or paying for music lessons, is a great idea. There are lots of different studies that prove playing instruments is beneficial for young children. According to this article on parents.com, improved academic and social skills are just two

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Creating High Self-Esteem in Your Boys

Image Credit Nowadays, we’re living in world where boys are being nurtured to be just as emotionally open, expressive, and in tune with their feelings as girls… yet, there’s still a long way to go when teaching boys the emotional strategies to overcome low self-esteem

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How Will Your Boys Use Technology In Future?

The Millennial generation was the first to grow up surrounded by technology from a young age. Most Millennials were teenagers when computers, laptops and the Internet grew in popularity and found a place in most western households. As a result,  Millennial workers have brought their

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A New Podcast About Raising & Educating Boys

  On Boys: Real Talk about Parenting, Teaching and Reaching Tomorrow’s Men is live TODAY! If you’ve ever wondered, why do boys DO that?,  this is the podcast for you. My co-host, Janet Allison, and I have spent the past three months planning and building

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How to Nurture Boys

We don’t often use the word “nurture” when talking about our boys. But our boys need constant care and attention to develop optimally. If we want to raise good men, we must nurture our boys. That’s why I wrote 8 Ways to Nurture Boys. And

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How to Stop School Shootings

There have been 18 school shootings in the United States in 2018* – in a year that is only 46 days old.  Yesterday, a 19-year-old male — and yes: to date, the school shooters have all been male — walked into his former high school, Marjory

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Olympic Parenting Lessons

By now, you’re probably aware of Red Gerard, the 17-year-old American snowboarding phenom who captured the United States’ first gold medal in the 2018 Winter Olympics. You may have even seen this headline, which is quickly becoming one of my all-time favorites: “Teen Olympian Overslept,

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What Children Remember From Childhood Parties

  Pexels Children’s parties are wonderful.  They shows your child that he is important and worthy of celebration. Parties can be a great excuse for a social event, inviting friendly children from their class to come and have fun during the day. It’s a great

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How to Be a More Positive Parent

I really want to be a positive parent — the kind of parent whose home is marked by peace and harmony more than discord and chaos. The kind of parent who respects her children and leads them with a quiet calm, as opposed to the

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10 Ways To Get Your Kids Prepared For School

Image Source Is your son ready to begin school?  For a child that isn’t mature enough, school can be a huge shock to the system. It requires discipline, concentration, an ability to socialise and a certain level of independence. There are lots of steps that

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Building Boys

You can purchase the newest book from Building Boys at the following websites: