Tips for Guiding Teens’ Use of Social Media

When it comes to teens, parents often regard social media as an initially invited, but now out-of-control houseguest that needs to get out! Firing off hundreds (and in some extreme cases, close to a thousand) of texts daily, obsessive FB posting  and tweeting, narcissistic levels

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Teaching Boys to Respect Women

Oh, Miley. Ever since your “performance” at the 2013 VMAs, tongues have been a-wagging. (I swear — I did not mean that as a pun when I wrote it!) Like it or not, this is the culture in which we are raising and educating our

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Q & A: How to Work and Homeschool

Have you ever thought about homeschooling, but wondered how in world you’d combine homeschooling with your job? It can be done. Really. Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a highly motivated, intellectually curious 5-year-old boy. Midway through kindergarten, he

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Do You Let Your Boys Play Football?

I just returned from dropping Boy #3 off at football practice.  He’s 10-years-old. His older brother, Boy #2, also plays. He’s 13. Both boys are in tackle football leagues. Are you surprised? Our decision to support our boys’ desire to play football is becoming less common.

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Sticks and Swords are OK. Really.

It’s a question every parent-of-boys has to deal with, sooner or later: Do you let your boys play with guns? How about swords? Sticks-as-swords and -guns? Four boys into this parenting gig, I’ve come to the conclusion that weapons play is OK. (And research tends

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Trust Your Boys

Do you trust your son? Think about the question for moment. Your answer probably varies — trust my son where? you might wonder. To do (or not do) what? And that’s reasonable. I mean, if you leave a two-year-old boy unattended in a bathroom with an

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Helping Boys Succeed in School

by Marcus Jackson, EdD With the right support and motivation, all boys can succeed in school! Try these simple tips to help the boys in your classroom or home: For Teachers Build a strong relationship with your students. As obvious and rudimentary as it sounds, your

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Raising Boys: Reality vs. Internet Reality

This is what raising boys looks like, at least some of the time. Note the blue teeth on my youngest, there in the background. You may have your own policy about candy and artificially-colored food, but in my family, the policy is Do What You

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We have our winners! Five lucky readers have won official BuildingBoys T-shirts. The winners are: Tara Kent Meagan Francis Elizabeth Hanes Mom Brillance Kelly Xavier Didn’t win a T-shirt? Still want one? Stay tuned! We’ll soon be offering BuildingBoys T-shirts in our Store.    

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Summer Safety: First Aid Essentials

Prong #2 of my Summer Safety Program: Preparation. A well-stocked first aid kit is an essential for anyone who spends time with boys. You don’t have to have an official, pre-loaded first aid kit –but you do need to have the essentials on hand and

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Building Boys

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