Stop Sexual Abuse With These 6 Steps

1 in 6. 1 in 6 boys will be a victim of sexual abuse before the age of 18. The stat is scary — scary enough that most of us push it out of our minds. We push it out of our minds because it’s uncomfortable

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9 Tips to Boost Boys’ (& Girls’) Literacy Skills

Schools need to focus on acknowledging the academic, psychological and physical needs of boys. For my doctoral dissertation, I examined the gender achievement gap in reading and writing of fourth and fifth grade boys versus girls and offered practical solutions. Here are nine tested boy-friendly literacy strategies:

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Are Boys Failing School or Is School Failing Boys?

It’s the ultimate chicken-or-egg question. According to a comprehensive new report about gender and education: Compared to girls, boys are more likely to say they think school is a waste of time, show up late to class and generally be less ambitious with their education

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7 Ways Teachers Can Make School Better For Boys

A lot of boys hate school. That’s not exactly a well-kept secret. If you have boys of your own, you’ve likely heard plenty about what they don’t like about school, ranging from the food served at lunch (in my kids’ case, disgusting and not enough) to

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School Not Working For Your Son? Try This.

Since the Washington Post published my essay, Why Schools Are Failing Boys, I’ve heard from dozens of parents & educators. Sadly, my essay struck a chord with a lot of frustrated families. And what I’m hearing from those families is It’s so reassuring to know I’m not

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Why I Wrote Why Schools Are Failing Our Boys

If you’ve come over here because you saw my Washington Post essay, Why Schools Are Failing Our Boys, welcome! If you’re a long-time reader and haven’t seen the essay yet, go check it out. Today, I want to share the story behind that essay. Breaking into

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Building Boys

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