A Better Way to Talk to Boys About Rape Culture

Ask them, “What do you think about the words, ‘rape culture?’” Then listen. Listen to what they say and to what they express. Listen for the silences and hesitation. Listen past the defensiveness. Bite your own tongue, if you must, but instead of building a

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Planning Our Next Teleseminar

I hear so many parents of boys complain that their boys are lazy and unmotivated. So many parents and educators who tell me that the boys in their life lack drive, persistence and enthusiasm. These parents and educators are worried because they know that success

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To Help Black Boys, Listen to Black Men

A note from Jennifer: A week ago, in light of the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile and 5 Dallas police officers, I re-shared my 2014 post, Why We Need To Worry About Black Boys. The response was generally positive, but I got

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Tips for Getting Your Son to Read this Summer

You likely know how important reading during the summer is to help students from experiencing the documented “summer slide.” But, actually getting your kids – especially boys – to read can be a challenge. As the mom of two boys, ages 9 and 11, whose

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936 Weeks Logo

Are Boys Discriminated Against in Education?

I love talking about boys & education. So when Evan Hanson, a father, writer and marriage and family therapist, invited me to participate in his new podcast series, 936 Weeks to Manhood, I eagerly accepted. I’m so glad I did. Evan is smart and witty and clearly

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Boys Need the HPV Vaccine Too

I’ve had HPV. HPV caused precancerous changes on my cervix, changes which did not resolve spontaneously over time and ultimately required surgical removal. That procedure scarred my cervix, as removal of tissue always does, which led to a much longer and more uncomfortable birth when

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How to Listen so Boys Will Talk

Being able to communicate/share is one thing. Having confidence that the adult recipient will handle the message properly is another. — Robert Brown I grew up in a home where communications were never a millimeter deeper than pure surface, transactional messaging. “I love you;” “How

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Is Screen Time Really All That Bad?

I’ll admit it: my kids’ screen time likely veers far closer to the “spends 8 hours a day with screens” category than to the “2 hours or less” recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. I’ll also admit this: I’m not overly worried about their

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Interview on the Dr. Vibe Show

Glenn Barker, Dr. Marvin Thompson and Dr. Vibe hosted a round table discussion with BuildingBoys founder, Jennifer L.W. Fink and Thabiti Boone. If you missed Jen’s interview last week, you can listen to it here.    

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Building Boys

You can purchase the newest book from Building Boys at the following websites: