Vacation Ideas That Will Appeal To Teens

Traveling as a family can be a really fun and rewarding experience as you get to spend uninterrupted time together. And with the busy lives we all normally lead, a trip gives you a chance to  relax, do some fun activities, and spend some quality

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5 Ways to Get Your Kids Outside More

When we parents were younger, we were always playing outside with our friends. Now, that’s all changed. Due to a blend of technology and increased wariness about the state of the world, children are spending more times indoors than ever before. While it’s nice to

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Growing Boys: How You Can Support The Process   Parenting boys can be a lot of fun – as you well know. But at the same time, you may find that you have to really work to get it right. That’s especially true for moms of boys. After all, you’re not male

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Keeping Bored Boys Occupied During The Summer Holidays

If you’ve got young boys, you’re probably familiar with the phrase ‘I’m bored.’ Keeping bored boys occupied can be tough, especially during the summer holidays. Here, we have some suggestions you can try. Remember, though; giving your boys something to do every time they tell

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How to Deal with an Unmotivated Boy

Do you have an unmotivated boy? You’re not alone. If fact, according to the comments I hear from parents of boys all over the world, motivated boys are the aberration, especially in the tween and teen years. It’s far more common to hear things like:

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The Boy Crisis is Real

Is there a “boy crisis?’ Yes, despite the fact that men still remain in control of most companies and governments throughout the world. Continued male dominance of professions and power is obscuring the fact that boys and young men are struggling — and their struggles

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3 Good Ways to Boost Your Boy’s Confidence

Image via Pixabay Raising boys can be difficult at the best of times. They’re typically noisy, boisterous, and highly likely to track mud all over the inside of the house. They scuffle and fight with each other, take silly risks, and can keep you up

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Building Boys

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