Jennifer L.W. Fink, Janet Allison & Michael C. Reichert hold up copies of the book How to Raise a Boy

The Everyday Challenges of Raising Boys

The hardest thing about raising boys, in my opinion, is dealing with the myriad challenges that present themselves every. single. day. I’ve been parenting boys for more than two decades now and there’s not a day that goes by that I’m not presented with some

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black graduation cap w white tassel on cupcake

On Graduation & Growing

My second son graduates from high school in five days. I thought I was ready. After all, this isn’t my first go-’round. I’ve already graduated one son from high school and stood by as he launched himself into the world. Unlike many of my peers,

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art circles close up view

Math Help – Calculating Basic Values for Circles

The Oxford Dictionary defines the circle is, “a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) is equidistant from a fixed point.” Wikipedia calls it “a simple closed shape.” In his treatise, “The Elements,” Euclid defined it this way: “A circle is a plane figure bounded

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The word "addiction," outlined in pink

Help for Drug Addiction

  Addictions And The Damage They Cause Can Be Overcome If You Take The Right Steps Life comes with ups and downs. There will always be stressors and difficulties to deal with and overcome in life. Unfortunately, some among us turn to drugs and/or alcohol

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silhouette of boy reading in sunset

Helping Your Son to Succeed in School

  When you bring children into the world, then there are so many different aspects that you have to think about. From the early days and the sleepless nights, to helping them thrive, grow, and learn, the job of a parent never stops. And as

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2 smiling blond brothers

Vaping, Living With & Talking to Boys

In April, we talked about vaping, living with & talking to boys on On Boys podcast. We also talked about learning to trust yourself as a parent. And now that I think about, those seemingly diverse topics have more in common than we first realized…

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The Power Of Father-Son Bonding

  If you are a father to any young boys, then there is something that you are probably keen to try and master as well as you can: the bonding process with your son. The father-son bond is an incredibly important thing to nurture, in

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Building Boys

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