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Disney Wants Your Sons

In the headlines today: Disney’s move to rename its next animated movie, “Rapunzel.” The new name? “Tangled.” Disney execs figure the new name will appeal to boys and have added what they describe as a swashbuckling male lead. Young boys, they think, have shied away

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Homeschooling and Evolution

The headline was enough to make me cringe: “Top home-school texts dismiss Darwin, evolution.” The accompanying graphic, a line graph showing the growth of homeschooling over the last 20 years, is enough to incite yet another wave of anti-homeschooling sentiment — because really, who wouldn’t

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Great Teachers, Part II

In my other life, I’m a professional writer. And lately, we writers have noticed that a lot of people take good writing for granted. Anyone, the thinking goes, can write — so why pay someone big bucks to craft an article for you when anyone

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A Great Teacher

I’ve blogged about good teachers before. But now, based on a comment from Ron Doyle, a former educator and current blogger, I’d like to talk about great teachers. Ron said:I believe a great teacher is someone who inspires learners to take their curiosities, transform them

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Snapshot Sunday: Organization

For some reason, Boy #4 likes to line his machines up just so. I currently have a line of machines in my bedroom. He has a line of machines along the rug in his room. And his “outside machines” are lined up in the snow.

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Boy Mom Eyes

Having a boy (or 2 or 3 or….) definitely changes you. Case in point: I found myself wrestling with my five-year-old niece today. After years of parenting boys, “wrestle” somehow equals “play” in my brain. Maybe that’s why I found Outnumbered Mom’s post, The Paradox

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Boys & Healthcare

Did you know that… 3 times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with autism More likely to have asthma, headaches and depression, at least pre-puberty. (After puberty, girl experience more asthmatic episodes, headaches and depression

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Boys & Healthcare

Did you know that… 3 times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with autism More likely to have asthma, headaches and depression, at least pre-puberty. (After puberty, girl experience more asthmatic episodes, headaches and depression

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Online Resources

Remember life before the Internet? We had to go to the library to look up magazine articles in periodical guides, then wade through stacks of magazines in a back room if we needed information for a school report. Martin Luther King Jr’s famous “I Had

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What Makes a Great Teacher?

Bill Gates is someone I admire. He has billions of dollars and absolutely no financial incentive to ever work again, yet he continues to devote his time, energy and resources to worthy causes, such as global health and, recently, education. Gates recently committed $45 million

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Building Boys

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