
It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?

First, life got busy, then blogging got hard. You know how it’s hard to go back to the gym when you’ve been away awhile? Seems blogging is like that too!

But tonight, my Mom and Dad returned from their winter home in Arizona. They’re back home — and I’m back, blogging ’bout boys.

Mom and Dad brought back a ton of presents and as the parents of four boys (and two girls), they know boys well. The boys’ gifts included three bags of huge marshmallows (if you don’t think this is cool, check the link), some wrapping paper tubes (which the boys promptly began using as swords), a Bob the Builder video and a set of four paint-your-own, wind-up monster trucks. To say the house was noisy after supper is an understatement!

The boys’ Uncle T — aka The Broker — was here too. Uncle T, an accountant by day, has introduced my boys to the world of finance. Boy #3 was thrilled, because months after discovering that his first Christmas ornament was actually an ounce of silver, Uncle T was finally going to buy it from him! #3 has been tracking silver prices for months, just waiting for an opportunity to sell. So when Uncle T ran out to the car to get a $20, tucked the money into my son’s hand and told him to “keep the change,” Boy #3 simply grasped the money and smiled. He knew the going price for silver was only about $18. He knew he’d just gotten a deal. Until he realized that the bill in his hand was a single, not a twenty! Uncle T strikes again — and the boys learn one more lesson.

What’s up with you? I’d love to hear what’s been going on in your lives!

The Building Boys Bulletin

The Building Boys Bulletin Newsletter gives you the facts, encouragement, and inspiration you need to help boys thrive. Written by Jennifer L.W. Fink, mom of four sons and author of Building Boys: Raising Great Guys in a World That Misunderstands Males, Building Boys Bulletin includes:

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“I learned a lot about helping boys thrive over the past 20+ years — most of it the hard way! I’m eager to share what I’ve learned to make your path a little easier.”   – Jennifer

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6 Responses

  1. Will Uncle T make amends from teaching this lesson or will it remain as taught?
    But, it is good that #3 was learning about finances and trade, values, etc.
    Me- fighting migraines, trying new meds, planning for May-term, my boys have been organizing an Amtgard Demo. And I, too, need to write a blog entry,

  2. That sneaky Uncle T! I wouldn’t go as far to call him a jerk necessarily but….! Close 😉

    I saw those marshmallows they looked awesome!

    I just told Greg yesterday I missed your blogs and ta-dah! you blogged 😉

  3. Uncle T sounds hysterical, nothing like a good joke! Every family has one, and no gathering is the same without that joker!!

    Glad to see you back, you have been sorely missed in the blogging world.

    I have some fun news, I ordered 8 chickens, and 2 pounds of composting red wriggler worms. Boy fun will be had around here.

  4. Uncle T is cool. He smiled and winked at me as he did it, so Boy #2 knew something was up. And Boy #2 — of course — couldn’t go without saying anything. I’m fairly sure that #3 will never again accept dollar bills without examining them first!

  5. Glad you’re back!

    Sounds like the boys got a treasure trove of goodies.

    I’m just finishing Spring Break — headed back off to school on Monday! It was restful and productive.

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