11 Things You Should Know About Boys’ Health

Boys face many challenges in terms of their physical and mental health. Biologically-speaking, there’s evidence that boys are more vulnerable to health risks throughout the lifespan. Boys are more susceptible to illness, and more likely than girls to develop complications from infections. Mix in gender

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Improving Your Son’s Literacy Skills, Step By Step

Literacy skills are inextricably linked to success in the modern world. Pexels – CC0 License But boy’s literacy rates in schools are falling in comparison to the literacy rates of girls. The fact that girls’ literacy skills are climbing is FANTASTIC! What’s not fantastic is

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The Role of Parents in the IEP Process

Many parents are unsure about their role in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) procedure and what they can contribute to the process. It’s important to remember that while they may not be well-versed in special education law, they are the foremost expert on their child.

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Maintaining a Healthy Parent-Child Relationship

Maintaining a healthy parent-child relationship isn’t easy.  Parenting is difficult and stressful. Children (and parents!) can be difficult and stressful. Sometimes, it’s tempting to give up or give in, particularly when you’re battling a tween or teen boy who has way more energy than you

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Does Male Mental Health Matter?

What if it had been a guy? What if, say, Tom Brady took himself out halfway through the Super Bowl because he realized his head wasn’t in the game? (And what if the Buccaneers were a touchdown or more behind when he did so?) Or

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Raising Boys: Myths Debunked!

Raising boys can be a bit of a challenge. There is so much misinformation about what to do and not do as an adult to raise healthy, happy boys that it can be hard to know where the truth ends and the myths begin.  Image

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artist painter boy standing at easel

Helping Boys Unleash Their Creativity

Image – CC0 License Helping our boys to be themselves can be a bit of a challenge. Some boys aren’t exactly keen on sharing their inner selves with the rest of world — and that’s okay, as long as they are confident in themselves.  Parents

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Building Boys

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