Trust Your Parenting Instincts

Attention, parents of boys who are learning how to pee standing up: Look out for falling toilet seats! –“Potty Training Pitfalls” in the Dec. 2013 edition of Parents magazine. Apparently, “hundreds of little guys” end up in the ER each year with genital abrasions caused

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Boy playing in the snow

Being a Good Mom

Meagan Francis of The Happiest Home is a good mom. Scratch that — she’s a great mom! Watch this: Did you see that? Better yet — did you hear that? Did you hear Meagan laughing as her 16-year-old son flung himself into the snow? Raising

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Bullying, Hypermasculinity & Warrior Culture

Shame is at the heart of the issue.  As men, we create so much misery and oppression because we fail to deal with our own grief, anger, and confusion. In a culture where fatherlessness is rampant, I meet so many adolescent males who are constantly

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Video Games and Socialization

It used to drive me crazy to see a group of boys clustered around a screen. Before my boys got iPods (used, and purchased with their own money), I used to judge the boys who clustered in corners and played video games on their screens

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Should Boys Fight Back?

About a week and a half ago, I wrote this: Are we, the adults, perhaps unintentionally contributing to school shootings by restricting all forms of physical fighting? Would letting kids solve problems physically, at times, keep things from simmering to the extent that they explode

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Boys, School Shootings & Bullying

My heart hurts. I haven’t even finished processing the fact that a 12-year-old boy in Nevada shot two other boys and killed a teacher at school earlier this week. So many thoughts weigh heavily on my mind– another school shooting; boys, again, at the center

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Prepping for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Research shows that parental involvement is the most important factor in a student’s success. For many working parents, however, such involvement is limited to a hand full of parent-teacher meetings and the occasional school play or sporting event. Because most teachers have too many students

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Book Discussion: Raising Boys by Design

Are you reading along? We recently launched BuildingBoys Virtual Book Club; our first pick is Raising Boys by Design: What the Bible and Brain Science Reveal About What Your Son Needs to Thrive, by Michael Gurian and Gregory Jantz. (Need more details about the book

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Taking a Shot: All Students Learn Differently

Yesterday, I had the staff meeting in the gymnasium. The teachers were bewildered as they walked in the hot gym, wearing their business attire: dresses, high heels, suits, dress shoes, and all. The teachers were divided into four teams, and I told them each person had

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