The Inside Scoop on Parenting Tween Boys

When my friend and colleague Janet Allison of Boys Alive! asked me to share the realities of parenting tween boys during this months’ Boy Talk, I jumped at the chance. Little did I know how real this conversation was going to be! Check it out: Want

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Show Me the Money! A Math Guessing Game

Money is pretty irresistible to kids, and managing it is, of course, a crucial life skill. Not surprisingly, then, it’s a standard part of most first grade curricula, and teachers help kids gain familiarity with it in all sorts of creative ways. Here’s an irresistible

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Top 6 Tips for Parenting Tween Boys

Got a son between the ages of 10 and 14? Listen up. Some big changes are headed your way. Big physical, psychological and social changes that can be jarring and scary — for you and your son. I’m not going to sugarcoat things here: parenting

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Your Kids Are More Competent Than You Think

Mere hours after my oldest son left, his brothers had dismantled his bed, carried the cedar chest up to the attic, un-stacked the bunk beds and moved one of the formerly-bunked beds into what was quickly becoming my oldest son’s former bedroom. My son attends

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New App Helps Boys Develop Emotional Resiliency

“Schools are really geared toward girls and they don’t know how to manage boy energy. Where is the safe place for a boy to share his feelings when he’s pulling away from both parents? — Patrina Mack, “boy-mom” and founder of K’Bro When I read

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We Need a New Approach to Bullying

Our anti-bullying programs aren’t working. Kids continue to be bullied in school and elsewhere, and ignoring it or walking away often makes it worse. The boys I see in my practice who are bullied tell me, “I just deal with it. There’s nothing anyone can

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Let The Boys Move

Did you know that boys are wired to move? Their brains, in fact, enter a rest stage when they’re not moving, which is one reason why so  many boys (and men) have such a hard time sitting still for long periods of time. Unfortunately, in all

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When A Young Boy Becomes A Business Man

  The business world is getting more competitive with each passing day. Universities and colleges are continuously pushing up their stands for acceptance. Meanwhile, on average it now takes a year to find a permanent position in the industry that you were trained for. If

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Why Don’t Students Like School?

Contrary to popular belief, the brain is not designed for thinking. — Daniel Willingham That quote, found halfway down page one of Chapter One in Why Don’t Students Like School?: A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions About How the Mind Works and What It Means for

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BuildingBoys Book Club: Why Don’t Students Like School?

My 10-year-old hates school. My 13-year-old isn’t exactly fond of it either. (He’s constantly asking if he can do online school instead.) And I’m co-hosting a webinar entitled “Help! My Son Hates School!” later this month. No wonder Daniel Willingham’s book, Why Don’t Students Like

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What to Do with a Boy Who Hates School

My son has been dreading this day since the start of Winter Break. Today is his day back to school after break, his first day back to a place he calls “prison” and likens to a “chain gang.” I know he’s not the only kid

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Building Boys

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