Teenage Angst Or Something More Serious?

We all know that life can get tough at times. As a parent, you may have survived your teenage years and come through the other side unscathed, but that doesn’t take away from the difficulty of growing up. You may look back on your teenage

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Why Boys Need More Independence

What is the purpose of childhood? From an evolutionary perspective, it’s to prepare oneself for a life of relative independence, where one’s survival depends on one’s own actions. Pixabay But today, things are different. Independent exploration of the world is not encouraged during childhood. In

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5 Back-to-School Resolutions

Resolutions and New Year’s go hand in hand, right? So why not make a few resolutions at the beginning of the new school year? These 5 resolutions can take some of the stress out of school (for you and your son!) 1. I will get

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Weapons Play Is OK

My boys’ fascination with weapons has all but passed. At the ages of 19, 16, 14 and 11, they’re not much interested in guns (real or pretend – save for the occasional Nerf battle), and the lightsabers that once saw so much action are collecting

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Let The Boys Learn

True story: Two first grade boys were waiting to use the restroom and decided to kill some time by reading the words on the wall. They wanted to see who knew the most words. (Boys like to compete). This was a risk as it was

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Don’t Succumb to Fear

To a certain extent, being a parent today means living in a state of perpetual fear. We worry about our children’s well-being. We see and hear news stories about kidnappings and murders and sick children, and we hope and pray that nothing that terrible ever

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The Many Roles Of A Homeschooling Parent

Each year, the number of homeschooled children increases, as more and more parents choose to take their kids out of public school and teach them at home. Studies have shown that children who are independently educated are not only more likely to complete their school

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Building Boys

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