Divorced & Single Parenting

5 Ways to Spend Christmas Eve With Boys

Looking for some fun, meaningful ways to spend Christmas eve with your boys? Most families who celebrate Christmas already have a few holiday traditions, but perhaps you’re looking for some new ideas — or trying to figure out how to tweak your traditions to fit

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smiling young boys with blond hair wearing green crew neck tee shirt

Taking Care Of Boys Health Doesn’t Have To Be A Challenge

Taking care of boys’ health isn’t as complicated as you may think.  Although scientific studies show that boys’ growth and development differs slightly from girls’, all children require similar basics for good health: nutritious food, physical activity, regular rest, and proper care and protection. Boys

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little boy playing with plastic shovel in the dirt in a backyard

How To Encourage Young Boys To Be Innovative

The most successful people in the world today are innovative. Successful companies like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google were founded by people who thought outside the box and came up with ideas to address and solve the needs of people. Many young boys already have

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How to Teach Your Son Strong Sportsmanship

Sportsmanship is everything in a game. Win or lose, participants need to acknowledge the hard work of their teammates, coaches, opposing team, and officials. Yet the message our kids often get — from the society at large and, sometimes, from coaches, parents, and peers —

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How To Reduce Medical Costs for Your Child

Medical costs can really strain family finances.  Image credit A recent survey found that nearly one in four Americans have medical debt and that 22% of those surveyed had previous medical debt they had paid off. With the cost of living rising and finances becoming

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Pros & Cons Of Letting Your Boy Play Video Games

Should you let your boy play video games? Let’s look at the pros and cons:  Image Credit (CC0 License) Pro: Develops problem-solving skills A big advantage of video games is their ability to develop problem-solving skills. Take a simple and non-violent game like Minecraft. There

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Developing Boys’ Confidence

Developing boys’ confidence takes time, but the effort it so worth it.  True confidence is essentially self-assurance that’s rooted in knowledge and appreciation of personal abilities or qualities. This kind of confidence is authentic — and only possible when boys are allowed to discover and

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Preparing Your Boys For a Stable Financial Future

In today’s world, financial stability is essential for a comfortable and secure life. But how do you ensure that your family is financially secure? Can you teach financial stability? Yes and no. You can role model responsible money management and you teach your kids about

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Building Boys

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