Raising my Black Boys

Raising my sons has always been a pleasure. I don’t know when the flip switched from joy to fear, but I constantly balance the two in my hands and heart, both of which feel helpless at times. You see, my boys are getting older, and

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Overwhelmed by Homeschooling? I Was Too.

You are not the only one who is overwhelmed by homeschooling. I wrote these words on January 24, 2005, shortly after we pulled our oldest son, Nathan, out of first grade at semester: I’m a state of shock.  It’s our first day homeschooling, and I

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Here’s How To Keep Your Boys Safe At Home

When it comes to safety, we can do much to support the welfare of our children.  From teaching them the basics of road safety to promoting safe rough and tumble play, we can ensure they don’t come to any harm when away from us. There

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Talking About Coronavirus

How are you talking about coronavirus with your kids? I was prepared (mostly) for the sex talk. (Lots of sex talks.) And we’ve had lots of conversations about drinking, drugs, vaping, relationships, respect and a zillion other things. I hadn’t given any thought to how

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Parenting Through a Pandemic

I don’t know how to do this. I have zero experience parenting through a pandemic. I’ve worked-from-home before, so I have some apparently useful skills. My 15 years as a work-from-home freelance writer have taught me how to get work done when you really don’t

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Selecting Preschools: Traditional Versus Montessori

Children are the future, and providing an excellent education can be one of the first steps in assisting them in leading the way. For instance, statistically, children who went to a quality preschool tended to excel in math and literacy sections on standardized tests, raising

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Learning at Home

Learning at home can be fun. Right now, a lot of parents are freaking out at the prospect of schooling their kids while also working from home. And wondering if it’s even possible to do both without going crazy. It’s possible. In fact, it can

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Let’s Support ALL Black Boys

It should go without saying, but all Black boys are unique. Each is a complex mix of talents, gifts and desires, and each wants to be loved, supported and valued. Here are 5 more ways to support Black boys: 1. Encourage children to be friends with

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Teens & Memes: What I Learned

Tackling the subject of teens and memes is a bit…fraught. Last week, the New York Times published my article, The Role of Memes in Teen Culture. The article is aimed at parents (and grandparents and teachers), and it’s intended purpose is to help adults understand

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Building Boys

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