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A Merit Badge for Video Games?

The Boy Scouts of America have added a new merit pin — for video gaming. Understandably, the blogosphere has lit up with criticism of the new award. Those critical of the idea complain that today’s boys already spend too little time outside, too much time

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The Kids Are All Right

16 hours chaperoning junior high school boys. The thought terrified me. But because Son #1 asked me, over and over again, I eventually relented and agreed to chaperone his jr. high show choir field trip to Six Flags Great America. I was still terrified. I

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This is the Racecar…

…that my son and his friend built. Notice the smile of absolute pride on Boy #2’s face? (Yep, he’s the one in the back.) I could have said no to their little adventure. I could have squashed their enthusiasm with fears and complaints and a

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Creativity at Work

Ever notice how a boy’s best “toy” is his imagination? Leave a boy alone with time, materials and space, and he’ll find something to do. (Maybe after complaining he’s bored for a half hour or so, but eventually, he’ll find something to do!) One of

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Boys Do Better in Full-Day Preschool?

Educators in Montgomery County Maryland announced that boys (and African-Americans of both sexes) who attend a full-day pre-kindergarten program do better academically. The study their announcement is based on is intended to provide support for public full-day programs at a time when many districts are

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10 Blogs to Read Before I Sleep

Blogathoners all over the Internet are posting the top 5 (or 10) blogs they can’t live without today. And while I can certainly live without blogs, there are certain blogs that keep me up way past my bedtime. Here’s a sneak peek at what I’m

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Happy Mother’s Day

“Moms are as relentless as the tides. They don’t just drive us to practice, they drive us to greatness.” — Sports Illustrated columnist Steve Rushin

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Homeschooling Boys

When I agreed to present a session on Homeschooling Boys at the Wisconsin Parents Association’s annual conference, I had no idea I’d be speaking to a room of almost 100 people. And yet there they were, bright-faced at 8:30 AM on a Saturday morning, ready

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Guest Post: Nathan Musack on Spontaneous Learning

Nathan Musack is maintenance technician, writer, musician and follower of Blogging ‘Bout Boys. He’s also the father of four children: Twin boys (11), a daughter (8), and another little boy (2). When he mentioned the hole-turned-archeological-dig in his backyard, I just had to hear more.

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You Know You Have Boys When…

…you tuck your four-year-old into bed with a gun. (Yes, Boy #4 is currently cuddled up to a toy gun.) …the same four-year-old lovingly bundles his toy skidloader after giving it a bath. …you read Dodge Vipers for a bedtime story. …you’re actually enthused when

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Re-booting, or How to Save a Day Gone Bad

I needed a do over. This morning I was in a funk, to say the least. My hard drive crashed yesterday and the crash was the straw that broke this mama’s back. I was done, overwhelmed, exhausted and seriously contemplating finding a corner to sit

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Building Boys

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