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Before the Boys

Before my boys… I’d never watched an entire Star Wars movie I couldn’t pronounce the names of most dinosaurs, much less identify them I’d never wielded a power tool I had no idea that the 1927 Yankees were the best baseball team ever I’d never

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Memorial Day

Memorial Day injuries

As we prepare to embark on a three-day weekend, I have three words for you: 1. Enjoy! 2 & 3. Be careful. The number of injuries spikes over Memorial Day weekend, especially for boys. A review of records from 1997 to 2006 found that injuries

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In the early 1900s, gay meant happy and carefree. In 2010, gay is about the worst epithet a boy can throw at a another boy. Last year I blogged about Dude, You’re a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School, a book that explores boys’

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Gender Intensification

Do we really want to make the differences between boys/girls even more wider than they already are? If we divide education along gender lines, will the divide create less ability for men and women to coexist? Will it increase an already high divorce rate? In

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Single-Sex Education

What do you think of single-sex education? According to a article, single-sex education is on the rise in the United States. In 2020, about a dozen US public schools offered single-sex classes. In 2010, more than 500 public schools offer single-sex instruction. Some see

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Blogathon2010: Haiku

Posting everyday can be a challenge. There’s the time commitment, sure, but even more than that, there’s the pressure to stay fresh, interesting and relevant on a daily basis. So today’s Blogathon challenge is short and sweet: Write a haiku. Don’t remember haikus? Haiku is

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Snapshot Sunday: No Photo Cord

I have some incredibly fun photos of my boys. I really, really do. I do not, however, have my photo cord. Bear with me! I’ll post some photos later this week. In the meantime, anyone else have a fun boys-at-work photo they’d like to share?

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“You have such nice boys.” We spent the day with extended family — many of whom we haven’t seen a long time — and by and large, almost everyone had something good to say about my boys. “Your boys are so well-behaved.” Now I realize

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Life with Boys

Am I the only boy-mom who doesn’t swoon at the sight of little girls clothes? I know quite a few moms of boys who wish they’d had a daughter — not because they yearn for the mother-daughter bond but because they dreamed of dressing a

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Let Them Be Little

It was a beautiful day outside today, so the boys and biked to a local nature trail about a mile from the house. We had a great time in the woods, but the ride home took FOREVER — mostly because Boy #4 was in no

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Childhood Depression

Could your son be depressed? My good friend and fellow blogger, Sarah E. Ludwig, has a terrific article about childhood depression in Parenting magazine. Among her points: Childhood depression is more common than you may think. 1 in 20 children and teens are clinically depressed.

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Guest Blogger: Jan Udlock

Please allow me to introduce fellow freelancer and homeschooler, Jan Udlock. Jan writes for a wide variety of magazines and homeschools her youngest three children (ages 10,13, 14; her oldest children are away at college). She lives with her family on a bit of acreage

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Building Boys

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