Porn & Parenting

What would you do if you discovered porn on your 13-year-old son’s computer? One dad left his son a compassionate, non-judgmental note. As reported by The Good Men Project, the dad wrote his son a note, explaining that the son’s visits to pornographic sites were

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Porn & Parenting

What would you do if you discovered porn on your 13-year-old son’s computer? One dad left his son a compassionate, non-judgmental note. As reported by The Good Men Project, the dad wrote his son a note, explaining that the son’s visits to pornographic sites were

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Making Connections, Gangnam Style

A deep interest in anything can lead to anything. That’s the philosophy that drove my homeschooling efforts and style, and the philosophy that underlies much of my parenting. It’s also the reason I’m writing about Gangnam Style again. As probably know by now, Psy’s song

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Gangnam Style, Lifeguards & Work Ethics

I never heard of Gangnam style until about 5 minutes ago. But when the word appeared 3 times in a quick scan of Google news — something about lifeguards, something about Britney Spears and Ellen — I had to check it out. Quick update, for

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Gangnam Style, Lifeguards & Work Ethics

I never heard of Gangnam style until about 5 minutes ago. But when the word appeared 3 times in a quick scan of Google news — something about lifeguards, something about Britney Spears and Ellen — I had to check it out. Quick update, for

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The Power of a Parent

I’m a sucker for feel-good videos. So when a Facebook friend posted a link to a singing audition of an  9-year-old boy — Boy Breaks Down and Cries During Audition, Then Amazes Everyone — I couldn’t help but click on the link. I’m so glad

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Pay Attention to Stop Sexual Abuse

Remember the sexual abuse case involving Jerry Sandusky and Penn State University? Did you know that the case took off because one mom starting questioning her son (and others) after he came home from Penn State with wet hair? Wet hair, friends. This mom knew

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Work/Life Balance — Take 2

I think like a Mom. So when I tackled the issue of “having it all” in my post Work/Life Balance: Time for Solutions!, I wrote from a mom-centric position. What I forgot is that work/life balance isn’t solely a female problem. Jim Powers, a principal

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Mean Mom on Raising Boys

Spoiling kids is out; Mean Mom is in. The cultural backlash against permissive parenting is now in full-stride (witness the New Yorker article, “Spoiled Rotten,” Business Insider’s, “Cities with The Most Spoiled Children,” and ABC’s “How Not to Spoil Your Child“), and Mean Mom Denise

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PSA: Salt and Ice Challenge

Normally, I’m all about home-grown science experiments. My kids have whipped up all kinds of concoctions in the kitchen, and we’ve blown up more than our fair share of baking soda volcanoes. But the latest, “greatest” DIY kitchen science experiment — the salt and ice

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Work-Life Balance: Time for Solutions!

Work on one side, kids on the other? Illustration by winnifred xoxo via Flickr The issue of balance is in the news again. Anne-Marie Slaughter’s Atlantic article, Why Women Still Can’t Have It All, jump-started the conversation. Other moms, bloggers and commentators have been adding

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Building Boys

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