Homework at My House

1st grade homework project I might not be a fan of busywork-as-homework. I might even encourage parents to think long and hard about why, exactly, they want to to “make” their sons do their homework. But that doesn’t mean that I encourage my kids to

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How To Get Boys to Do Homework, Part 2

Photo by Lone_F Are you tired of the homework battle? Here are some nitty-gritty tips to help you (and your son) get a grip on homework: (First, if you haven’t already, read How to Get Boys to Do Homework, Part 1) Talk to your son. Does

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How to Get Boys to Do Homework, Part 1

Photo by mrsdkrebs via Flickr My boys are back to school today after a long and wonderful Spring Break. They — like many other kids — were less than enthusiastic about going back. And clearly counting the days ’til the tyranny of school is over

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Why I Want My Boys to be Just Like Pa

The real Pa Ingalls I loved Little House on the Prairie when I was the kid. Loved the books, loved the TV series. I watched the TV show every week, and read and re-read the books more times than I can count. So when I

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Are Single Parents Bad for Boys?

Are my boys doomed to failure because their father and I divorced? Some, apparently, would say yes. A 2012 New York Times article declared, “Study of Men’s Falling Income Cites Single Parents” and essentially blames men’s economic woes on the fact that just “63 percent of children

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Photo by sboneham

Boys & Rape

Photo by sboneham When we were kids, the sex talk pretty much consisted of a basic run down of the basics -what goes where, how babies are made and what miraculous changes we could soon expect in our adolescent bodies. But increasingly, parents are realizing

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Mattel, Moms & Toy Cars

Photo by jencu The headline — “Mattel Thinks Moms Need Help Playing with Hot Wheels” — drew me in. So did some of the comments, both within the article and elsewhere online. One mom said she found the concept “insulting,” while another mom wrote, “But

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Mattel, Moms & Toy Cars

Photo by jencu The headline — “Mattel Thinks Moms Need Help Playing with Hot Wheels” — drew me in. So did some of the comments, both within the article and elsewhere online. One mom said she found the concept “insulting,” while another mom wrote, “But

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Building Boys

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