Most-Read Posts of 2016

What a year it’s been! In 2016, we covered everything from boys & school (a constant, recurring topic) to how to talk to boys about “locker room banter“ (a topic most of us never imagined would come up in the course of a Presidential election).

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Helping Boys with Sensory Issues

Nancy Peske didn’t plan on becoming an expert on sensory processing disorders. Like so many of us, she learned on the job — because her son had challenges that required her attention. Her now-teenage son was just two years old when he was diagnosed with sensory processing

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Tips for Single Moms Raising Boys

Yes, single moms —  including divorced, widowed and never-married moms– CAN raise healthy, well-adjusted boys. My boys and I are proof. Here are my top 5 tips for single moms raising boys: 1. Support/facilitate your boy’s relationship w his father. Even if he cheated on you.

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Real Life is Messy & Chaotic — & That’s OK

So many parenting books, blogs & magazines make it sound as if, if you just do this or do that, all will be right with the world. Your children will listen and behave perfectly. They’ll pick up after themselves (consistently!), and your home will be

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How Can We Help Boys Succeed?

Do you realize that it is distinctly possible for a child to reach the age of 18 without ever having done something upon someone else depends? —Urie Bronfenbrenner speaking to teachers and parents in 1975 In my twenties, I was a teacher and dorm-master in a boy’s

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4 Ways To Get Your Boy Out Of The House

We’ve all been there. Yes, there was a time when you could barely stroll around your own home without accidentally trampling your little boy as he scampered all over the house. Whether or not your child was ‘active’ was most likely the last thing on

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Why You Should Read The Last Boys Picked

I’ve never been a boy, but boy do I know all about being the last kid picked! I was always non-athletic. (In fact, until very recently, I still described myself as “one of the most non-athletic people you’ll ever meet.”) I wasn’t interested in sports

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Signs at School of Troubled Non-athletic Boys

Not all boys love sports. That simple fact may seem obvious, but the truth is that boy culture heavily favors athletic boys. Think about it: boys’ social lives often revolve around sports teams. Mens’ friendships frequently revolve around sports teams. Boys who are athletically-inclined have

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Preparing Your Boy For University

So it’s almost time for your son to go to university. How time flies eh? After years of studying, it’s time for him to make the next step, flee the nest and try and earn a degree. It will be his first time living away

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Building Boys

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