Most-Read Posts of 2017

2017 was the year I realized how hungry parents are for information about tween and teen boys — and yet another year in which my own teens challenged everything I thought I knew. (For most of the year, I had 3 teens and 1 tween.)

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Fun Ways for Moms to Bond with Their Boys

Image source Building a strong relationship with your sons is of the utmost importance if you want them to grow up feeling loved and supported, if you want them to feel able to come to your with any and all of their problems, and if

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How You Can Inspire The Next Generation of Men

The youth are the future, as every generation has known, but what are we doing to ensure that they’re in the best possible shape to go out into the world and fix the social, environmental, and political issues that our generation doesn’t have the answers

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Why Your Son’s Learning Style Matters

Do you remember the information you were taught in primary school? Of course, we all have a basic memory of what we learned – seeing as we can, for the most part, read, write and count. But do you remember the actual lessons that you

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The Truth About Parenting Teen Boys

Are all fourteen year old boys assholes? That’s the question a friend posed to me lately. She’s not the first to ask a version of that question, and I doubt she’ll be the last because something happens to our boys between the ages of 10

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Teaching Kids First Aid Skills

Image Teaching your children how to perform first aid is a life skill which can prove invaluable to them later on through their lives. If they ever come into a situation where they or their loved ones require medical assistance, they will be trained to

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5 Ways To Fuel Your Boys For Sport When your kids are quite active, you have to make sure that you’re able to keep on top of their health levels. Between running around at school, sports practices, and then running around at home, it won’t be long before they get tired out.

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Helping Your Child To Think School Is Cool

The goal is not to come out with lines such as “learning is fun”. As a child, learning isn’t always fun. We all remember that. We all might’ve had a few subjects that piqued our interest enough for us to retain attention during lessons, but

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Building Boys

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