Stop Assuming Boys Are Bad

“Something unexpected happened…” That’s the lead-up to this CBS New story about a middle school boy who befriended a 5 year old with autism: It’s supposed to be a simple feel-good story, the kind the news feeds us every now and then to remind us

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Age 16 & Learning to Let Go

Getting his license was the easy part. Standing back and figuring out how to when to step in and when to step back…THAT was  — is — the hard part. Isn’t that the hard part of parenting, in general? Maybe that’s why I found the

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Must-Read Books About Boys

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In other words: I may receive a small commission if you purchase any of these books through a link on this page.  If you’re parenting or teaching boys, you need every advantage you can get. The

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Helping Boys to Succeed in School

Image source It is a scientific fact that boys’ and girls’ brains develop differently.  Because of this fact, the way they learn at school is different, although not many schools take much notice of this.  In the US, the public education system has been the

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Top Posts of 2018

2018 was an interesting year. The #MeToo movement gained strength, bringing discussions of sexual harassment and assault into national conversation. Famous men fell from their perches, and subsequently, a whole lot of us started talking about how to raise good, decent boys. More than 300

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Why I’m Not Worried About Screen Time

Google “how screen time affects kids” and you’ll be inundated with nearly 39,000,000 articles with titles such as “How to Limit Screen Time” and “What Screen Time Can Really Do to Kids’ Brains.” You’ll see teaser phrases that tell you “Screen time isn’t great for anyone’s

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Planning For Your Boy’s Future

Image Credit There is a lot that needs to be considered when you are planning for your boy’s future, from helping him decide on the right path to choosing his schools. It can seem overwhelming but there is no need to panic. Read on to

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Building Boys

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