To celebrate the launch of BuildingBoys.net, I’m giving away 5 BuildingBoys t-shirts!
The shirts feature our super-awesome logo (as designed by our web designer extraordinaire, Ron Doyle), 3/4 length sleeves and a super-comfy, soft material. I know I’m biased, but I’m telling you: this may be the most comfy shirt I’ve worn in a long time.
Want one? Here’s how you can win one:
- Share a BuildingBoys post or video on social media. Each post (or video) you share will count as one entry. So if you share my Raising a Prince post on Twitter, that’s one entry. If you share it on Facebook, that’ll be another entry. If you share our “15 Things” video, that’ll be another entry. Get it? Sharing a post or video on a social network equals one entry. Sharing the same thing on a different social network equals one entry. You can share as many posts as you’d like, on as many social networks as you like. Be sure to include @BuildingBoys in your Twitter posts, and to tag our FB page in your FB posts, though, so I know you’ve earned an entry. You can also leave a comment below, telling me what you’ve shared and where.
- Mention BuildingBoys on your blog. Got a parenting, education or family-oriented blog? Write a post that introduces BuildingBoys to your readers, and I’ll give you five entries into the contest, because writing something up takes a lot more time than simply sharing a link.
- Schedule a Q & A with me on your blog. Do your readers have questions about boys? Schedule a Q & A with me on a boy-related topic, and earn 10 entries. If interested, please contact me via our Contact Us page. (Note: Q & As can be schedule for any time after mid-August).
- Send me a video to use on BuildingBoys. Share what you’ve learned about raising or educating boys. Or film your boys, talking about what they wish adults understood about boys. Be creative! A video earns 15 entries. (All video entries must also include signed release forms. Contact me via the Contact Us page so I can send you a form/forms.)
The contest will run through midnight Aug. 2. Five winners will be drawn at random via http://www.random.org and the results will be posted here on BuildingBoys on Aug. 3. (Due to the cost of international postage, the contest is only open to residents of the US and Canada.)
Ready? GO!