Blogging Tips

It’s time for another Blogathon Theme Day! Today’s theme: If I started blogging today, I would…

I started blogging in 2009 because I heard it was the thing to do. Writers everywhere were started blogs, and I’d knew be behind if I didn’t at least learn how to blog. So I took a class. I signed up for Jane Boursaw’s Blogging for Fun and Profit. Her class gave me the nudge and support I needed to start Blogging ‘Bout Boys. (My very first post was less-than-inspiring, but hey, it got me going!)

At the time, I was pretty clueless. I’m not a techie person, so I chose Blogger as my blogging platform, because I heard it was easier. But if I started blogging today, I think I would use WordPress instead. I’ve heard many good things about WordPress from other writers and bloggers, and I’ve actually worked in WordPress for various clients. It’s not as hard as I thought. Plus, it seems to have more useful features and add-ons. Plus, I’m not a big fan of this new Blogger format.

Now, I’d like to migrate my blog to WordPress. I know it can be done, but the truth is, I’m intimidated. Has anyone here migrated a blog to WordPress? I’d love to hear about your experience.

What else would I do differently? I’d…

  • love a better template.  For a few years, I had a really cute, free Blogger template. But I lost that just over a year ago, when the woman who designed the template (and many others) lost her free PhotoBucket storage. I was bummed. I stepped away from my blog for awhile, in fact, because it no longer appealed to me. Finally, I decided some blog was better than no blog, so I resumed blogging with this template. I’m not in love with it. Anyone else have a better idea?
  • blog on a regular basis. My long-term readers know that my blogging has been sporadic over the years. It’s easy to get caught up in life and paying work, and very, very easy to neglect blogging when you’re in the midst of a nasty divorce. But when I blog, I connect with interesting people. And when I connect with interesting people, I learn and grow. When I learn and grow, I have something to share. Blogging regularly, I’ve learned, helps me maintain my enthusiasm for my blog and topic, and introduces me to others who share similar passions
  • write with abandon. Truth be told, one of the big reasons I didn’t blog much last year was because I was self-censoring my posts before they were even written. It’s one thing, I think, to be conscious of how much you share about your life and family online. It’s quite another to shut yourself down completely due to fears of what other people might think. The Blogathon has taught me that people respond when I write openly and honestly.

Do you have a blog? What would you do differently, given the chance?

The Building Boys Bulletin

The Building Boys Bulletin Newsletter gives you the facts, encouragement, and inspiration you need to help boys thrive. Written by Jennifer L.W. Fink, mom of four sons and author of Building Boys: Raising Great Guys in a World That Misunderstands Males, Building Boys Bulletin includes:

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“I learned a lot about helping boys thrive over the past 20+ years — most of it the hard way! I’m eager to share what I’ve learned to make your path a little easier.”   – Jennifer

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5 Responses

  1. Jennifer, I chose Blogger for the same reasons you did, and so far I’ve been happy. I felt I didn’t need the bells and whistles of WordPress. I don’t want to spend that much time on what you call tech stuff. That being said, I do think a custom design is very important, and regarding yours, I wish there were boys in your banner, since that’s your topic. If you don’t want to feature yours (which I understand), you could go with a cartoony version, or a drawing, or a stock photo.
    Last but not least, I must say hats off to keeping a blog going while single-moming four boys!

  2. Jennifer – I’ve read a number of your articles – love what you do. I thought I’d chime in here on the wordpress side. I’ve gone through a number of wordpress installations in the past and by and large I am a big fan of it. The themes are flexible and the plugins/extensions virtually endless. The one caution comes from migrating your existing content – but in the end I think you’d be very happy with WordPress as a platform. Feel free ton contact me (jake at sonicdad dot com) I’d be happy to talk more about my WP escapades 🙂

    Hats off to your blog – keep the content coming!

    1. Brian, thanks for sharing those instructions. I have a feeling I will be referring to them in the relatively near future. The Blogathon has taught me 2 things:

      1) If I put time and energy into my blog, people will come
      2) I like putting time and energy into my blog!

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