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I’m a Ripe Tomato

Meet my latest (OK, my 2nd) blogging award: Blog Salad’s Ripe Tomato Award, presented by the generous, talented man otherwise known as Ron Doyle. If you’ve been around awhile, you probably remember Ron’s hilarious guest post during the May blogathon. (Does a hairy Tom Selleck

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Real Life with Boys

A snippet from an actual conversation I had before 8 am this morning: Boy #4: “Do you want to hear my poo song? This is hilarious. You might laugh!” (singing) “I love poo! I love poo! I love poo! I love poo! (spoken) “Laugh! (more

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Into the Woods

Boy #1 and I took a marvelous hike last night. There’s an old railroad track in town, used on occasion but infrequently at best. Boy #1 wondered aloud where it left town — and I, who have lived in this town for 30 of my

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Skipping School

I would make a horrible school parent. My boys are homeschooled during the school year, but this summer, my oldest three are all taking summer school. It seems a bit funny to set alarm clocks and pack backpacks in the summer — especially when you

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Do We Need a National Commission on Boys?

Boys have some problems. They’re more likely to commit suicide, more likely to struggle in school and more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD. Now a new study from psychologist Judith Kleinfeld is bringing additional attention to the problems of boys. Kleinfeld has studied boys

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The 4th of July

At this point, the fireworks are iffy. It rained heavily a couple hours ago, so we’re all waiting to see if the pyrotechnics will be shot off as usual. I hope so! There’s something magical about snuggling on a blanket with a little boy, long

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Yes — or No?

Is “No” your default response? Kids ask a lot of us, from morning until night. “Can I have cheesecake for breakfast?” “Can I play at a friend’s house?” “Could you get me some milk?” “Change me!” (That last one is from my not-yet-potty-trained three-year-old.) All

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Independence Day Edition

Want this 4th of July to be about more than food and fireworks? Revisit the very origins of our country with a couple of these books, chosen just for boys. Nothing dry or boring here; just book after book about boys in the midst of

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9 Things Every Boy Needs

What do boys need? I recently put that question to two boys. Their answers: 1. Destruction 2. Sports 3. Trading cards 4. Video games 5. TV 6. Forts 7. Junk food 8. Underpants 9. Fun In case you haven’t guessed, that list was 100% boy-generated.

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Guns: Yay

We seem to be a pretty pro-toy gun bunch: over 60% of the respondents to my poll said they let their boys play with toy guns unrestricted. Of course, I have a healthy hunch that even “unrestricted” comes with some common sense guidelines. I mean,

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Building Boys

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