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The First Day of School

Today, kids all around town woke to alarm clocks and backpacks. Mine awoke to a pile of cardboard tubes and hacksaws. While other kids crammed into desks on a beautiful, perfect 73 degree day, mine were sawing tubes in two. While other kids rose and

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Back-to-School Tips for Boys

With the school year starting, it is time to set up solid routines for your sons to get back into homework-mode. Here are a few suggestions to help your sons not only stay on top of their schoolwork, but also maintain balance between homework and fun

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Now THIS Is Love

A couple months ago, I blogged about showing love. I’d asked Boy #1 how he knows his Mom loves him and his answer was, “Because she takes me fishing.” I thought of that at 6:15 this morning as I sped across a lake, cool —

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Guest Blog: From Freeways to Flip-Flops

I’m honored to be a guest blogger on “Blogging’Bout Boys.” My name is Sonia Marsh and I write the blog Gutsy Writer. In 2004 we left our comfortable life in Orange County, California, and moved to an island in Belize. WHY? We had 3 reasons:

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Blogging at the Speed of Life

Ever have one of those weeks where there just seems to be more life than time? This week — the third week in August — is always my most challenging week of the summer. It’s County Fair week here, and if you’ve ever had kids

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Jesus Was a Boy Too

I’m not exactly a Biblical blogger. In fact, we might go years and years without me ever mentioning the Bible again. And yet…. Last night a certain passage caught my eye. Even if you’re not a religious person, you’ve probably heard the story. It’s the

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Photo by kekka via Flickr

Dog Safety

Did you know that young boys are at the greatest risk of dog bites? I didn’t either — and I probably should, since my parents got a dog this year and I have two boys that fall smack-dab in the five- to nine-years-old age group,

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Photo by malingering via Flickr

Boys Can Do Anything

Equality is usually a world we hear in relationship to girls and women. The assumption is that boys and men have ruled the world for so long that there’s virtually nothing they can’t do. Except. Rigid role expectations still confine far too many boys (&

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5 Tips for Surviving Air Travel with Boys

Is there anything worse than traveling cross-country by air with four small boys? Well, yes — not traveling and deadly disease come to mind — but when hubby and I traveled to California two summers ago, kids in tow, for my brother’s wedding, we both

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EC, or Diaper-Free

We’ve talked a lot about potty training here lately. So it is with great pleasure that I introduce today’s guest blogger, Christine Gross-Loh, mother, author and blogger. She’s the author of The Diaper Free Baby and a mother of three who blogs about her adventures

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Otis Knows Respect

I’ll admit it: I did not know that Otis Redding sang Respect. An anonymous commenter did, though. Anonymous had a couple other interesting thoughts about boys and respect. Listen: Among boys, respect is earned by testing each other by irritating, teasing, hitting, competing, etc. These

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Building Boys

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