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Selling Unhealthy Food to Kids

Full disclosure: I have two boxes of Scooby Doo-themed Gogurt in my fridge right now. Actually, make that one-and-a-half boxes. The boys hit those pretty hard today. According to a new study, it’s quite possible that my boys chose that yogurt because Scooby Doo was

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Books for Boys: Comics

Most boys — even boys who hate reading — find it hard to resist comic books. The attraction is obvious: active, colorful pictures; few blocks of text and ridiculous, courageous or hilarious scenarios. What’s not to like? If you live with a struggling or reluctant

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Zero Tolerance and Common Sense

Lttle David Morales created a patriotic-themed hat — by gluing toy soldiers to a camouflage hat — for a school project. His hat did not go over well. The principal called the boy’s parents and told them that the hat wasn’t allowed in school. The

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Happy Father’s Day

For the longest time I guess I thought he didn’t give a damnHard to read, hard to please, that was my old manOn the day I left for college, it was nothing newWe never had that heart to heart – he had too much to

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Best of the Blogs: Father’s Day Edition

It’s not easy being a man today. In Rethinking Manhood: The New Feminist Project?, author Tom Matlack writes about the need to re-invent masculinity. “The most macho thing in the world is to be a loving father. To be a faithful husband. To put food

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Teen Boys Eat A Lot

That’s the conclusion of a scientific study. I know, right? Tell us something we don’ t know! But the study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, could be reassurance for parents and teen boys in this day and age of eating disorders. While

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Books for Boys: Authors

Ever notice how some authors are more boy-friendly than others? My boys, for instance, loved the offbeat humor in The True Story of the Three Little Pigsand The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, both by Jon Scieszka, a former boy and current

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The Definition of Futile

According to, futile means having no useful result. Like, say, vacuuming your living room only to discover a flood in your kitchen? Life with four boys is anything but neat. Interesting, chaotic, loud, exciting, annoying and invigorating, but not neat. And for the most

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Boys and the Arts

I watched the Tony Awards, the Oscars of the theatre world, with my 12-year-old son last night. We critiqued the musical numbers, commented on the plays and predicted the winners. And at the end of the night, my 12-year-old son watched me jump off the

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Building Boys

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