Book Review: Tutor in a Book

School is a struggle for many boys. But that doesn’t mean your sons are doomed to a lifetime of sub-par academic achievement. The key is understanding your son. What makes him tick? How does he learn? What obstacles are blocking his success? Alexandra Mayzler, founder

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Undergoing Renovation

Yep, things look different around here. I’d been using a free blog template for almost two years, but the designer no longer has access to those images. So out with the old, in with the new! The only problem is, I’m not sure what the

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What Are Your Boys Into?

Ever notice how certain obsessions come and go? For awhile, Boy #2 was obsessed with dinosaurs. Then he switched to butterflies. (Go figure.) Some days, the Tonka trucks are in style. Other days, they’re not. The latest obsessions at my house are Lincoln logs, sand

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And the Winner Is…

Denise Schipani! Denise, who blogs over at Confessions of a Mean Mommy, is proud mommy to Daniel and James. She’s also sick of people assuming that her boys will someday grow up and forget all about her. (Boy-moms, can you relate? I sure can!) Thanks

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Banish the Bad Guys?

If you have boys at home, you know they’re built for battle. Whether you allow gun play or not, whether you own a TV or not, I’ll willing to bet that your boys have played some kind of war/cops-robbers/good guy-bad guy game — probably within

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Contest Announcement: Book Giveaway!

In case you missed it yesterday, I’m giving away one autographed copy of Laura Lee Grove’s new book, I’m Outnumbered: One Mom’s Lessons in the Lively Art of Raising Boys. To enter: •Leave a comment, either telling me one thing you’ve learned about raising boys

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Books About Boys: I’m Outnumbered!

Laura Lee Groves gets me. As another mom of four boys, she fully understands the joys and challenges of raising a houseful of mini-men. That’s why I was thrilled when she published her book, I’m Outnumbered!: One Mom’s Lessons in the Lively Art of Raising

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It’s good to step away from the computer. Last week, I took my four boys camping in northern Wisconsin. It was a first for us, in a way — our first long-term camping trip. (If you can call five days long term. Since I was

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Building Boys

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