Boys Don’t Want to Discuss Problems

Did you see the study that examined boys’ and girls’ thoughts and opinions regarding problem sharing? The first line of a related news article elicited a strong, “No duh!” response from me. Check it out: “A new University of Missouri study finds that boys feel

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The Best School For Boys

How, exactly, do you go about finding the best school for your son? That’s really the million dollar question, isn’t it? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the education question. And what works for your son today (homeschooling, public school, etc.) may not work next

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The Best School For Your Boy

If school choice is fluid — and no one educational choice is “the best” — how exactly do you go about finding the best school for your son? That’s really the million dollar question, isn’t it? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the education question.

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Creative Clutter

Are there blocks scattered about your living room? Random pieces of wood and nails on your garage floor? Before you holler, take a deep breath and read this post. (I know — the odds of you having your computer in the garage with you at

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Surviving the Teenage Years

Ever notice how you often end up reading a book that says exactly what you need to hear? I’m currently reading the book While I Was Gone, by Sue Miller. It’s about a woman who is facing some uncomfortable truths about her past and herself.

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The Importance of Encouragement

You know that supporting your kids — financially, emotionally, logistically — is an important part of parenthood. But have you ever pondered the importance of support to parents? Parenting isn’t easy. Life with four active, free-thinking sons is three-quarters chaos and one-quarter conflict, with the

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Circumcision Ban?

For years, the decision whether or not to circumcise a boy has been a private matter. Sometimes, religion gets involved, but when you come right down to it (ha!), the decision to circumcise or not is made by mom and dad. Voters in San Francisco

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Camping with Kids

My boys and I love to camp. We’ve spent many weekends at state parks, including one memorable hotter-than-you-know-what weekend at a new-to-us park in the southwest corner of our state.  We spent the majority of our days down by the lake — swimming, paddleboating, kayaking,

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What Kids Need to Learn

On March 30, 2011, in response to a Boston Globe article about kids and learning, I wrote, “What kids need to learn is 1. Time, 2. Space, 3. Access to Materials and 4. Support. They also need Freedom to Explore.” I dubbed this the “time-space-access-support-freedom

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Keeping Boys Busy in the Summer

Are your boys driving you crazy? (More than the usual crazy, I mean.) Summer is a challenging time for many parents, especially working parents who are used to sending their kids to school all day. As a work-from-home single mom, I’m definitely aware of the challenges. One solution is

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Parenting in Public

My parenting convictions were put to the test at a homeschool conference. The boys and I had traveled to the Wisconsin Parents Association conference, an annual event that that refreshes, recharges and re-energizes me. I’d agreed to present three sessions at the conference: Homeschooling Boys,

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Building Boys

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