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Summer Saturday and Strep Throat

It’s been been one of those weekends around here… It was going to be a crazy weekend, no matter what. Boy #2 is playing in a baseball tournament Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Our church also has a lot going on: Sunday service, all-church breakfast, member

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Best of the Blogs

WAT Book Club Four Great Books for Boys. Full disclosure: I used to write for an editor who is now part of the We Are Teachers (WAT) team. But that’s now why I’m recommending this blog post. I’m recommending this post because I’m always interested

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Joshua Ledet is My Hero

Don’t know who Joshua Ledet is? You’re probably not watching American Idol. I have been, passionately. I’m not much of a TV watcher; in fact, the only thing I watch these days is American Idol. What can I say? I love music, my oldest son

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Real Life With Boys: Just Add Water

If you look closely, you might notice the corner of our sandbox about midway up along the left side of the photo, near my son’s hand. Yes, you guessed it: This major excavation project did not take place in our sandbox, but rather right next

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Criminal or Clueless? When Sex Means Jail

Can you identify the person who allegedly raped you?”  “Yes your Honor,” says the girl. “He’s right there.”  She points and all eyes land on the pimply teenager, flanked by power suits—clearly his attorneys. The boy drops his head and a tear slides down his

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Mommy Wars? What Mommy Wars?

Flickr photo by Praziquantel Enough already. Enough of the conversations about who’s Mom enough. Enough of stay-at-home vs. work-out-of-the-home moms. Enough attachment parenting vs. Tiger mothering vs. Bringing up Bebe. Enough! Elizabeth at Clarity in the Chaos wrote a fabulous blog post today that touches

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Best of the Blogs

A round up of some of the best stuff on the ‘Net. Sexism and The Early Learning Centre. A Facebook friend pointed me to this post after she read my recent post, “Helping Boys in a Sex-Soaked Society.” In my post, I mention the insidious

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Junior Seau, Sports Illustrated & Playing Thru Pain

If you follow football (or the national news), you probably know that former NFL great Junior Seau committed suicide at the age of 43. News reports speculate that repeated brain trauma, the result of years in football, may have contributed to his self-inflicted death. As

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Virtual Book Club: The Achilles Effect

The best thing about blogging? Learning from other people online! Crystal Smith commented on my “Helping Boys in a Sex-Soaked Society” post. Like many of you, she’s concerned about the messages our boys receive from the popular culture. So concerned, in fact, that she wrote

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Building Boys

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