Photo by M Glasgow via Flickr

Moms Demand Action on Boys & Guns

Shannon Watts is the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. She’s also the mom of a 13-year-old boy (and four girls). I connected with her after my Parade article, Is Gun Play OK?, began attracting national attention. I wanted to know

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BuildingBoys Book Club

I am pleased to announce the official launch of the BuildingBoys Virtual Book Club! We had a number of readers express interest, so let’s go going. Here are the details: Our first book will be Raising Boys By Design: What the Bible and Brain Science

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Masterminds & Wingmen

  Masterminds & Wingmen: Helping Our Boys Cope with Schoolyard Power, Locker-Room Tests, Girlfriends, and the New Rules of Boy World, by Rosalind Wiseman, is one of my favorite “boy books” ever. In fact, if I had to recommend one book to parents and educators

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Book Giveaway Winners

And the winners are: 1) Lisa Tennessen 2) Vesta 3) Ava Parnass All three winners will receive a copy of Raising Boys By Design: What the Bible and Brain Science Reveal About What Your Sons Need to Thrive by Michael Gurian and Dr. Gregory Jantz. I’ll send

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Boy-Friendly Schools

Is your son’s school boy-friendly? Is it place where his enthusiasm for learning is encouraged, even if his preferred style of learning is hands-on? Or does his school insist that students sit quietly while filling out worksheets? Does his school take away recess as a

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Common Sense Guidelines for Gun Play

If you have boys, you can safely assume that, at some point, they will play with guns. If your boys happen to be young — say, under the age of two — you may be vigorously disagreeing with me right now. You might be thinking,

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Where Is the Outrage?

My morning routine: wake up, have a cup of coffee, get the kids to school, scroll through news headlines on Google before starting work. This morning, one headline caught my eye: 13 shot in Chicago city park.  I clicked over to Facebook, fully expecting see

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Saving Our Sons

Boys, especially African-American boys, aren’t doing so well these days. The statistics are dismal, even depressing. At every level, boys (as a population) lag behind girls in academic achievement: Fewer boys than girls are proficient in reading, writing and even math. Fewer boys than girls

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Talking to Boys

I’m currently reading Masterminds & Wingmen, by Rosalind Wiseman. You might know her better as the author of Queen Bees & Wannsbes (which was the inspiration for Mean Girls), but let me tell you: This woman knows boys. She’s a mom of two boys, and

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Book Giveaway: Raising Boys by Design

Have you heard of Michael Gurian? He’s a nationally-known “boy guru” who’s written a number of books about boys, including The Minds of Boys, The Purpose of Boys and The Wonder of Boys. His latest book, Raising Boys by Design: What the Bible and Brain Science Reveal

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Building Boys

You can purchase the newest book from Building Boys at the following websites: