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Being a Man

Being a man has nothing to do with being a tough guy, or hiding your emotions, getting in fights, or getting the most woman. That’s not being a man.  That’s an immature  boy, that is not a man.  Too many grown men who cling to

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The Importance of a Life Plan

Here at BuildingBoys, we talk about building healthy boys. Our tagline is, “There’s no blueprint for building boys!” because we believe there’s no one “right” approach to raising and educating boys. We’re here to share ideas and information and insights, and we want you to

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Mike Palombi

What Does It Mean to Be a Man?

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know what it means to be a man. As a mom of boys, though, I’m acutely aware of the fact that my boys (and yours) are surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands, of messages that subtly

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Should Schools Be No-Touch Zones?

A 17-year-old high school has been suspended for touching a teacher. Sam McNair, a senior, entered the classroom and hugged his teacher from behind. The teacher says that his cheeks and lips also brushed against her face and neck and cheek. The teen — like

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6 Year Old Suspended for Kissing

Can a six-year-old sexually harass another child? This week, a 6-year-old Colorado boy was suspended for sexually harassing a female classmate. His crime? Kissing the girl on the hand, after previously kissing her on the cheek. The Internet erupted in outrage after those details and

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Helping Boys Succeed in School

A lot of boys don’t like school. And a lot of boys don’t do well in school. Yet virtually every single boy who’s flunking out of school, not doing his homework, just getting by or wailing “I hate school!” was once a curious little toddler.

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Giving Thanks

How did you celebrate Thanksgiving? If you’re like most people, you spent the day with family and/or friends, ate some turkey and, perhaps, watched some football. You probably also spent a few minutes reflecting on your blessings and giving thanks for the many wonderful things

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Building Boys

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