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BuildingBoys Resource: The Dovetail Project

Sheldon Smith’s dad wasn’t there for him. His grandfather wasn’t there for his dad. Sheldon was determined to stop the cycle. At the age of 19, on the verge of becoming a father himself, he founded The Dovetail Project, an initiative designed to teach young

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Rap Music Is Not Evil

I can’t believe it took me the better part of a week to sit down and watch this incredibly inspiring and moving video! If you haven’t yet seen the footage of these two boys performing on Britain’s Got Talent, sit down now and watch it.

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Why Boys Play Video Games

We don’t like it when boys do this so they do this  This makes us nervous So they do this We tell boys, Be Careful! and Get Down! So they do this We say No More! and Too Dangerous! So they do this We wring

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Rape Culture, Explained

Do you live or work with teen boys? Sit them down and watch this video with them. Jeremy Loveday’s spoken word poem clearly explains what rape culture is — and what boys and young men can do to decrease violence in our culture.

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Why We Need to Worry About Black Boys

We have a problem. A continuing, lingering, painful problem. Black moms and dads and grandparents throughout this country are looking at the sweet faces of their black boys with fear in their hearts. Today, black moms and dads and grandparents are looking at the black

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Kate & Jon Gosselin Missed This Memo

Rule #1 of raising healthy, emotionally well-adjusted kids: Keep the kids out of  the parent crap. That rule is probably stated much more eloquently somewhere else.  (In fact, I’m sure it is!) But whether I remember the exact wording or not, that’s the takeaway I

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Building Boys

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