Is Building Boys Exclusively a Man’s Job?

Excuse me while I take offense. Recently, a college basketball coach told CBS reporters that a woman most likely will not head up a  men’s Division I college basketball team within the next 25 years. That I can live with. A man put forward his best

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Coaching Boys

Would you be comfortable with a coach who hugs your boys? Yeah…I’m not sure I would be either, thanks to the legacy of people such as Jerry Sandusky, the Penn State coach and convicted child molester. And yet, I think Joe Ehrmann brings up a

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Happy Birthday, BuildingBoys!

BuildingBoys is one today — and we’re celebrating with a present for YOU! When we launched BuildingBoys one year ago, our goal was to provide information, tools and resources to help those who help boys. All along, we’ve planned to offer books and products to

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Stop Stereotyping Teen Boys

A new research study shows that teen boys care more about establishing meaningful relationships than sexual exploits. Let that sink of for a moment. Now think about how our interactions with our boys might be different if we accepted that truth as reality, rather than

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Best Response Ever to “You Have Boys?!?”

As a mom of four boys (and only 4 boys), I’m accustomed to rude and inconsiderate comments. Comments range from, “Wow! You must be busy” to “Bet you wish you had a girl” to “What’s wrong with your husband’s sperm?” I kid you not. So

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Does My Son Need a Jockstrap?

If he’s age 7 or older and plays a vigorously athletic sport, he probably needs an athletic supporter, according to pediatrician quoted in Long Island Newsday. Athletic supporters (“jockstraps”) protect the testicles from injury. Usually, athletes wear a solid plastic “cup” inside the jockstrap; the

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Photo by Allan Foster via Flickr

Why Boys Do What They Do

This weekend, my 8-year-old son pulled himself around the bases on his belly. My 8-year-old is a healthy, strong child who runs, rides bikes and plays baseball on a routine basis. There is nothing wrong with his legs. He simply dragged himself around in the

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Christina Hoff Sommers: The War on Boys

Author Christina Hoff Sommers first wrote The War on Boys in 2001. Sadly, little has changed for the better since then. Sommers revised, updated and re-released her book in 2013. She released this video just a few days ago. It’s a must-watch for anyone who

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#DownWithManUp & #YesAll

We need to talk about our men, our boys and our societal definitions and expectations of masculinity right now. We need to talk about it because while I was on an idyllic camping trip with my boys and church friends, a male killed a whole

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What Parents of Boys Need to Know

If I could tell parents of boys just one thing, this would be it: You are not alone. Your boy is not the only getting in trouble at school for being wiggly. Your boy isn’t the one one who likes to draw gory battle scenes.

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‘Member this? Merry Christmas! You are now the proud owner of an iPhone. Hot Damn! You are a good and responsible 13-year-old boy and you deserve this gift. But with the acceptance of this present comes rules and regulations.  Shortly after Janell Burley Hofmann published

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Building Boys

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