5 Ways to Set A Good Example For Your Boys

It’s so important to set a good example for your boys. Raising boys is a challenge — and raising thoughtful,  responsible, respectful men of integrity in a society that so often rewards less-than-stellar behavior is a BIG challenge! Your example, however, matters far more than

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How to Encourage Your Boys to Take Up a Hobby

Do your boys have a hobby?  Hobbies can provide relaxation, entertainment, social connections, and skill development. But boys often require some extra support and encouragement to explore their passions. If you have young boys at home and are looking for ways to help them discover

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The Ultimate Guide To Teaching Your Teen To Drive

Teaching your teen to drive — and then letting him drive off independently — can be scary. For both of you! Some teen boys are eager to drive. They’ve spent several years observing their parents transport them in various vehicles and have been patiently (or

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Books Boys Like to Read

Finding books boys like to read isn’t easy. Especially if you’re a middle-aged mom who generally doesn’t understand what tween and teenage boys like or think. I recently discussed building boys’ reading and literacy skills with educator Todd Feltman, who created and shared this fantastic

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Middle School Boys Start “Pedo Database”

A group of middle school boys started a “Pedo Database” because adults didn’t take their complaints seriously. There is something seriously wrong when 6th and 7th grade boys recognize an adult male’s behavior toward preteen girls as creepy and adults fail to act.  And yet,

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Red Flags, Safety Nets, & School Shootings

Red flags almost always precede school shootings. We know that; we’ve documented it. And we’ve done next to nothing about it. How many more red flags are we going to ignore before we finally build a bigger, stronger safety net? According to a Washington Post

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Encouraging Better Bus Behavior

Whether your children ride a traditional school bus or an emerging ride-share option like Zum transportation, discipline problems can still arise. Handling problems like rowdy students and bullying on the bus requires parents and schools to work together. What can each party do to help the

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Effective Tips For Raising Responsible Boys

Raising responsible boys is…not easy. We live in a society that prioritizes personal pleasure and satisfaction over responsibility — and our kids are surrounded by people who fail to take responsibility for their actions. Add on top of that boys’ immature, still-developing brains and that

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How To Encourage Reluctant Boy Readers

Got a reluctant reader?  You’re not alone. Many boys are reluctant readers. Forcing boys to read — or fighting with them about their reading habits — can backfire. Try these strategies to help your son appreciate the wonderful world of reading (and all the benefits

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Building Boys

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