What Children Remember From Childhood Parties



Children’s parties are wonderful.  They shows your child that he is important and worthy of celebration. Parties can be a great excuse for a social event, inviting friendly children from their class to come and have fun during the day. It’s a great way to meet the parents and even make friends yourself. Of course, the focus should always be placed on your child.

It can be difficult to run a social event, and look for the best birthday party deals. Especially because your child’s tastes might change! What you son likes today, he might absolutely hate tomorrow. But the theme and decor of the aren’t what matters most. When kids remember birthday parties, these are the things that bring up positive memories: 

Active Fun

It’s important to allow the kids to run around and have fun exploring. This might be through a laser tag event, exploring a local farmyard through a guided tour, or simply renting a bouncy castle and inflatable assault course in your back garden. It might be that a swimming party is most effective, or something focused around the sport your child most loves. If your child has a quiet temperament,  getting active with arts and crafts might work better. (Some options to consider: attending a child’s pottery class or other such art fair.)

Children remember things that are active, and give them time to express themselves. While food is important and eating at your local pizza place can be a wonderful part of a party, it’s not what kids remember later on. The active fun is.

Adventurous children might enjoy doing something they have never done before – such as climbing, sailing or another interesting activity. (Look for experts and relevant businesses to help teach kids the necessary skills.) Sometimes, the most memorable parties are the most novel.

Who Attended

The people you invite will drastically change the social setup of the party. If a child is testing and aggressive, they can ruin the whole event for your child. Inviting everyone in your child’s class is likely not the best option. Sometimes, a more intimate affair with children of like temperaments can be best. After all, spending money hosting children who cause chaos can make you wonder why you chose to invite them in the first place, and they can ruin the day for your child. We’re not suggesting you stay suspicious of everyone who isn’t on the ‘approved list’ already, but there’s no shame in having a smaller event where that would be the most appropriate.

Stay discerning and make appropriate choices, and you’re sure to let your child craft memories they will hold dear for some time to come.

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The Building Boys Bulletin

The Building Boys Bulletin Newsletter gives you the facts, encouragement, and inspiration you need to help boys thrive. Written by Jennifer L.W. Fink, mom of four sons and author of Building Boys: Raising Great Guys in a World That Misunderstands Males, Building Boys Bulletin includes:

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“I learned a lot about helping boys thrive over the past 20+ years — most of it the hard way! I’m eager to share what I’ve learned to make your path a little easier.”   – Jennifer

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