The benefits of fishing are many!
If you’re looking for a hobby that will get your son off the couch and offline, why not consider fishing? It’s an age-old sport that has stood the test of time, and is worth considering, especially for those boys averse to team sports.
This outdoor sport can benefit your boys in a number of ways:
It’s A Calming Hobby

Today’s boys are surrounded by busyness and noise. From the lessons and activities that take place during their day in school to evenings playing loud video games and listening to music, there isn’t a lot of room for calm in their lives. But fishing can provide this calm, giving them a chance to sit with their thoughts, while still engaged in an activity that they might enjoy. A peaceful day sat on the edge of a riverbank can soothe their soul and rest their active minds.
Bonding Can Take Place

Bonding with our boys can be difficult, especially when they’re caught up in the various screens that dominate their lives. Getting the opportunity to talk and listen to them isn’t easy but a day spent fishing can navigate past this problem. You will have the opportunity to be with them with no other distraction; just you and your boys in a place of quiet and solitude, with plenty of time to talk.
Lessons Can Be Learned

Motor planning, coordination, perseverance, and patience are just a few of the lessons that can be learned from a days fishing — not to mention scientific facts and geography. Your boys will learn more about the art of fishing too, and when they make their first big catch, they will grow in confidence.
There’s a famous saying: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
When you teach your boys to fish, you are teaching them lessons that will forever serve them well.
These are just a few of the benefits that fishing can bring but we’re sure you’ll discover many others. If you’re a beginner, there is a helpful chart below on the setup you might use for your fishing adventure, especially if you’re targeting bass. Have a look and then continue your research online.

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