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Bird Boy

And in interesting boy news today, we have this story of a fifteen-year-old boy who was trying to raise 53 baby birds in his room. His mother called animal control and the boy was ticketed for animal cruelty. I’m not sure what to think of

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Fighting with Boys

I do not want to live my life in constant conflict with my kids. In fact, that’s why I try to use more peaceful parenting techniques, why I try to be responsive to their needs and why I encourage them to share their thoughts and

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Book Review: The Legend of Vinny Whiskers

I love finding a great read-aloud book. The Legend of Vinny Whiskers tells the tale of Boomerang Lookout, a young prairie dog with a legendary name. Imagine being named Harry Potter — after Harry #1 had done his thing. Like Harry, Boomerang’s name carries certain

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Photo by bg_dn via Flickr

Gun Safety, Not Gun Control

I know — I sound like a representative of the NRA. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth; I actually think some gun control is a good thing. But we’re not talking politics here; we’re talking boys. And when it comes to gun

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Gun Play and Boys: Yay or Nay?

After I wrote about the contents of our toyroom, another boy mama wrote in with a question: OMG! My son just (to my horror!) discovered … guns! It’s a total fixation since we were visiting another pal of mine with an older boy. I’m hoping

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Snapshot Sunday: In Honor of all the Dads

This pic, to me, is what Dads are all about. You can’t really see my husband — he’s more of a background-guy here than anything else — but that smile and that fish? All because of him. Dads often toil in the background, doing the

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Three Things I’ve Learned in Two Days

1. Sunscreen really does need to be applied often. The older three boys and I spent yesterday at America’s largest waterpark. Having suffered many sunburns as a child and fully aware of the risks of the sun, I’m usually pretty good about protecting the boys’

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Guest Post: The Mysteries of Boys

Please welcome another blogathon blogger, Sarah E. Ludwig. Sarah is the mom to four mostly wonderful kids, 11-year-old fraternal twin girls and a nearly-7-year-old and 5-year-old boys. She works from home as a freelance writer and blogs about the necessity of flexibility in raising kids

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You Know You Have Boys When….

….your toyroom contains: 2 ride-on toys (1 Kawasaki four-wheeler and 1 John Deere tractor) 4 tractors 2 barns about a zillion Lincoln Logs 2 hard hats 1 tractor-backhoe 2 front-endloaders 1 bulldozer 4 dump trucks 1 backhoe 1 cement mixer 1 grader 2 plastic guns

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Surviving Summer

Believe it or not, summer is probably the most stressful time of year for me. The popular image of summer is lazy days and sleeping in, swimming and biking, and lemonade on the front porch. The pace is calm, relaxed. Summer is for being. Except

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What IS the Small Stuff?

Sandra had a great comment on my post, “Trust.” She said exactly what I’ve been thinking today: I wish there was a crystal ball to tell us what’s worthy of concern, and where we can let go. We’ve all heard the saying, “Don’t sweat the

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Building Boys

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