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Falling Through the Cracks

Last month I wrote a post about a 15-year-old boy who was found with 53 baby birds in his bedroom. Today I received an anonymous comment from a reader claiming to be the boy’s mother. I have no way of verifying her identity, but since

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Kid Power

“It’s only really in America that parents have no expectation of their kids until age 18. Then they expect them to get into a good college and if they do that, they can live off their parents’ money for another four years.” — Zac Sunderland

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Top 10 Signs You Might Be a Boy Mom

10. You’re as excited as your boys are when a bouncy ball rolls into the street — and is promptly exploded in two by an oncoming car 9. You’ve had bugs (or reptiles) on your kitchen counter 8. Your laundry piles are predominantly “dark” 7.

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Good Grooming = Good Grades?

Well-groomed boys get better grades. That’s the result of a new study that examined the relationship between students’ personality, attractiveness, grooming and grades. Yet another reason to be glad my boys have short hair! Just wake up and go. Unless, of course, good grooming also

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Photo by 7388863@N03 via Flickr

Where Do Boys Come From?

I bet you think you know the answer to that question, don’t you? And you probably do, sort of — I mean, if any of you are still seriously wondering how those male creatures in your house came to be, shoot me an email. I

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Potty Training Trials

Four boys into parenting, I’m convinced that you can’t teach a child to go on the potty. Of course, if you’ve been around awhile, you probably already know that I don’t think you can teach a child anything. You can facilitate a child’s learning. You

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Mr. Personality

My eleven-year-old son came down from his bath last night and announced that he wanted to take a personality test. He’d just finished reading Trouble Don’t Last, an award-winning book about a young slave escaping to freedom on the Underground Railroad. The book, he said,

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Snapshot Sunday: Metamorphosis

I could get all symbolic on you. But those two green things hanging down from the twigs are monarch caterpillar chrysalises. Son #1 and I found the first caterpillar on our hike a week ago; Son #3 brought home the second one the next day.

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