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Books for Boys: Sandra Dodd’s Big Book of Unschooling

Sandra Dodd’s son, Marty, is right: her Big Book of Unschooling makes an excellent bathroom book. Broken down into small, manageable bits, Sanda Dodd’s Big Book of Unschooling is inspiration waiting for action. It’s accessible, welcoming — and the perfect anti-dote for parental self-doubt. Her

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Boy Power

I was going to write about the boy who shot an alligator. Then I found this newsclip online: “Never having heard the term ‘green energy,’ an African boy unknowingly brought ancient, and at the same time, leading edge technology to his family’s small subsistence farm.”

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Snapshot Sunday: Many Moons Ago

This Boy #1 — before he hit his growth spurt, before his baby teeth fell out and before Boy #4 was born and this room was converted into Boy #1’s bedroom. This is also what happens when you lose your camera. My camera has been

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writing vs. Writing

Do your boys like to write? Most boys don’t. Boys’ fine motor skills tend to develop later than girls’, and so for most boys, the physical act of holding a pencil or pen and creating words is frustrating and painful. But what if I told

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I’ve Been Nominated for an Award!

Kim, of Kim’s Play Place, recently nominated me for my first-ever homeschool blog award. The awards are given by Alasandra’s Homeschool Blog, an intriguing site if ever I saw one. Recently, she’s been running a series of posts covering the controversy the erupted when school

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And the Winner Is….

Talk about a popular product! I received over 200 entries for the LeapFrog Tag Reading System giveaway. So with no further ado, the winner is…. Oh, who am I kidding? We’ve all watched enough American Idol and Dancing with the Stars to know that the

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Messy, Messy, Messy!

I woke up to popcorn all over the living room floor. Boy #4, apparently, had saved his popcorn from last night for an early morning snack — except that, from the looks of it, less than half made it to his mouth. Before I’d even

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Coping with Crisis

On the positive side, there are some girls who emerge out of the divorced, mother-headed households as exceptionally resilient young women. It seems that some young women thrive on the increased responsibilities and challenges that they face in these families, and they develop warm and

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Boxers or briefs? My boys always wore briefs — maybe because my brothers always did or because their dad did. Somehow, briefs just seemed right. But lately, they’ve become aware of boxers and wanted to try them out. Without going into too much detail, let’s

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Snapshot Sunday: A Boy and His Dino

A long, long time ago, before Boy #2 became a nine-year-old boy obsessed with video games and destruction, he was a boy who loved dinosaurs. In recognition of that love, one of his amazingly fabulous uncles (who also happens to be his godfather) gave Boy

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Building Boys

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