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Books for Boys: Fantasy Football Guidebook

‘Tis the season — for football! Those football fans among you have probably been enjoying the season for weeks now (depending on your team). And the die-hard football fanatics are probably already well-aware of the phenomenon that is fantasy football. For the uninitiated, though, fantasy

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Reading as Torture

I finally — finally! — signed my kids up for swim lessons. It’s been a good year and a half, at least, since anyone has had a formal swim lesson because, well, when you have four kids at four different skill levels, scheduling is a

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Blue is My Favorite Color

…but not on the walls. Not that I have anything against blue walls, per say. It’s just blue CRAYON on walls that gets to me. Specifically, blue crayon on upstairs hallway walls after 9 pm at night. I tucked my three- and six-year olds into

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Photo by quatar via Flickr

Gardasil for Boys?

Should boys receive a vaccination that may prevent cervical cancer? On the surface, the question seems ridiculous. Boys clearly lack a cervix, so why would boys require protection from cervical cancer? The question isn’t as ridiculous as it seems, though — and it’s one you

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Photo by gaijinbiker via Flickr

A Teachable Moment

My new favorite show is Glee, Fox’s hit show about a high school show choir. It’s over-the-top campy fun featuring teenage angst, a teen pregnancy and musical numbers to die for. It’s also a great show to watch with my boys. Take this week’s episode.

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Boys vs. Girls

What do you think when you think “boy?” How ’bout when you think “girl?” Koshii Eslinger of Moms at Work was absolutely, positively wanted a boy child. Why? “I grew up in a household full of girls (5 kids, 4 of us girls) and I

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Stereotypes Hurt Boys

  If you read the headlines, you might conclude that all boys are either violent or into sports. Today, my Google alert screams, “Teen to be tried as juvenille in Crofton boys’ death,” while also informing me that the Haddonfield boys soccer team blanked Gateway and

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The Lives of Boys

If you read the headlines at all, you might conclude that the boys are either violent or into sports. Today, my Google alert screams, “Teen to be tried as juvenille in Crofton boys’ death,” while also informing me that the Haddonfield boys soccer team blanked

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Is More School the Answer?

President Obama may have won the Nobel Peace Prize, but he’s certainly not a popular figure in our house right now. (And I’m an Obama fan!) The reason for the discord? My boys saw this headline in Sunday’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Kids Need More Time

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Building Boys

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