Photo by erix via Flickr

Don’t Let Stress Win

We have a winner! The winner of the fantasy football book giveaway is MAC Mom. Congrats! MAC Mom is the mother of a not-quite-one-year-old boy and is wondering about potty training. My advice? Wait it out. Because potty training can be stressful, and our boys

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Photo by MAJ Aaron Haney via familymwr on Flickr

Anxious Boys?

Parents aren’t the only ones stressing out these days. The kids are stressed too. New research from the American Psychological Association (APA) reveals that stress is the number one health concern for American high schoolers. Stress! Grown-ups drowning under the weight of a recession find

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Football Fans, Unite!

Up here in Packer country, it’s been an interesting year. First, our star quarterback defects to the Vikings. Then, after losing twice to said star quarterback, we lose to Tampa Bay. Fire Ted Thompson & Mike McCarthy groups are now gaining ground on Facebook. Football

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Photo by shrinivasap via Flickr

Birth & Babies

I just can’t stop thinking about it. Last night, I stayed up way too late to watch the Internet’s first live birth. Twenty-three-year-old Lynsee and her husband agreed to live stream their birth the Gannett-run social networking site, (As of right now, the video

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Photo by shrinivasap via Flickr

Birth & Babies

I just can’t stop thinking about it. Last night, I stayed up way too late to watch the Internet’s first live birth. Twenty-three-year-old Lynsee and her husband agreed to live stream their birth the Gannett-run social networking site, (As of right now, the video

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Photo by valentinap via Flickr

Can Boys Nurse Babies?

I stumbled across an interesting article by Amy Rawson today. Called “Raising Boys,” her article delineates her attempt to raise boys unfettered by society’s expectations of what a boy should be. Her boys, she says, are free to play with trucks and dolls, to sport

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Some kids just don’t take no for an answer. Unfortunately, I have been blessed with at least two of them. The “un” in that sentence is rather unfortunate, because persistence, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. Persistence is the difference between a

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Climbing Ahead

Ever notice how your boys frequently make their biggest leaps when you’re not looking? As you can probably tell, my three-year-old has learned to climb trees. And he did it all on his own. He was outside playing while the rest of us finished lunch.

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Parenting Writers on Parenting

The best part of my cruise/conference? Getting to hang around with a lot of other writers who also happen to be parents. Some of the brave souls (such as Blog Salad’s Ron Doyle) brought their children along with them. The rest of us had much

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Re-Entering the Real World

If it wasn’t for the scar on my finger, I wouldn’t believe it myself. Just a few short days ago, I was snorkeling in the Bahamas. The water was aquamarine, the temperature was balmy and the company, sublime. (The scar, if you’re interested, is the

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Building Boys

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