Gender Disappointment

Apparently, some moms are very, very unhappy with their baby boys. According to an article first published in Elle, increasing numbers of American women are voicing their preference for a female child. At least some of those women are spending perfectly good money to enhance their

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Time for a Hug

I’m not from a particularly huggy family. We don’t hug every time we say hi and we rarely hug when we say good-bye. It’s more like a, “Hey, good to see ya.” The affection is there, but understated, understood. And yet hugs have a way

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Family Hate

My boys bicker. A lot. In fact, they frequently spend entire days telling each other how much better their lives would be if only their brothers didn’t exist. And yet, they care about each other. A lot. Case in point: The other day, Boy #2

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Potty Training

Waiting to Potty Train

We’ve talked about potty training before, so you may already know that my basic philosophy is to follow the child: Four boys into parenting, I’m convinced that you can’t teach a child to go on the potty. Of course, if you’ve been around awhile, you

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Books ‘Bout Boys: Packaging Boyhood

Like it or not, the media has a massive effect on today’s boys. That’s why I was so excited to see Packaging Boyhood: Saving Our Sons from Superheroes, Slackers, and Other Media Stereotypes , a new book by Lyn Mikel Brown, Sharon Lamb and Mark

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Are Plastics Turning Boys Into Girls?

Ok, that might be a bit inflammatory. But the recent news that in-utero exposure to phthalates affects boys’ play preferences in preschool is big news all the same. The study tracked 145 pregnant women and, ultimately, their sons. Researchers measured the phthalate content of the

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Boys and birth

Poll: Boys & Birth

Looks like we’re all over the place when it comes to boys and birth. After watching the Internet’s first live birth, I asked if you’d be OK with your son watching a birth. All in all, we’re in favor of it: 28% said ‘Yes, definitely,”

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Boys and birth

Poll: Boys & Birth

Looks like we’re all over the place when it comes to boys and birth. After watching the Internet’s first live birth, I asked if you’d be OK with your son watching a birth. All in all, we’re in favor of it: 28% said ‘Yes, definitely,”

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Holiday Giveaway: Tag Jr. Reading Bundle

If you’ve been around for awhile, you know that Blogging ‘Bout Boys is all about reading. (Well, about boys – and reading!) We talk about why boys won’t read, ways to encourage them and strategies to keep your sons interested in the written word. We

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Photo by MAJ Aaron Haney via familymwr on Flickr

Imposed Stress?

Gutsy Writer, a mom of three boys, had an interesting comment regarding my last blog post. I’m curious to hear what you think about the difference between boys/men and girls/women, towards stress. I think one of the things that attracts females to males is they

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Photo by Mindaugas Danys via Flickr

How to Help a Stressed Out Son

Believe it or not, a lot of boys don’t know when they’re feeling stressed. They might feel — and act — angry, mad or upset, or even withdraw and shutdown. An older boy might be able to tell you he’s overwhelmed. More often that not,

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Building Boys

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