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Doing Nothing

After lunch today, I sat back on the sofa and sipped my soda. To the casual observer, it may have looked like I was doing nothing. (Especially since I periodically closed my eyes.) But if you looked closer, you would have seen education in action.

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Boys and Hair, Part 3

I’ve blogged about Taylor Pugh before. Most recently, the long-haired little boy’s parents reached a compromise with the school district, agreeing to secure his hair up before sending him to class. According to his mom, Elizabeth, Taylor “looks a little like Princess Leia” with his

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Boys and Hair, Part 3

I’ve blogged about Taylor Pugh before — twice. Most recently, the long-haired little boy’s parents compromised with the school, agreeding to secure his hair up before sending him to school. According to published news reports, Taylor’s Mom, Lisa, said his hair looked

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In The Flow

I said the words “historical disaster” — and my kitchen erupted into a frenzy of baking soda and vinegar, clay and cardboard. Our homeschool group is hosting a Historical Disaster Fair on some yet-to-be-determined date. (Cool idea, eh? I got it here.) Today, I figured,

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Turning Lemons to Lemonade

Talk about a nice start to the weekend. Blogging ‘Bout Boys has been named a Lemonade Stand Award winner! According to Michelle and Karen at Layers of Learning, the Lemonade Stand Awards recognize blogs that demonstrate great attitudes or gratitude. Now it’s time for me

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Photo by clover_1 via Flickr

A Braid Might Be The Answer

Remember Taylor Pugh? According to his Texas school district, his hair is too long; therefore, the four-year-old (yes, 4-year-old) receives instruction separately from his classmates. Taylor’s parents asked the school board for a dress code exemption, but their request was denied. The Superintendent, however, mentioned

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I am concerned about grade level expectations which are enforced without any true understanding of when children are actually ready to acquire the skills being covered… When I asked parents of boys to tell me about their learning concerns, Andrea answered. So let’s talk about grade

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Caffeine Affects Boys More Than Girls?

So say the headlines. But when I read the article, I was leery. Concerned about the growing epidemic of soft drink consumption among American teens, researchers at the University of Buffalo conducted a study to assess boys’ and girls’ response to caffeine. What the researchers

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Building Boys

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