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Best of the Blogs: Boys in the News

Fridays have traditionally been Best of the Blogs day here at Blogging ‘Bout Boys, a round-up of some the best boy-related blogs on the ‘Net. But this week, I ran across so many fascinating news articles that I’m going to focus on news instead. (Who

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Boy Killed for Acting Like a Girl

Have you heard about the case of Roy Jones? The 17-month-old baby boy was killed by his mother’s boyfriend, Pedro Jones, in a savage beating. Jones’ explanation — “I was trying to make him act like a boy instead of a little girl” — only

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Getting Boys to Read

You gotta love the AP headline: “Boys trail girls in reading; can fart jokes help?” The topic — boys’ lack of interest in reading — isn’t a new one to readers of this blog. Neither is the solution, which is to “meet boys where they

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Being a Parent

I was playing in the sandbox with Boy #4 when Boy #3 looked at me and asked, “What would you be doing right now if you didn’t have kids?” I shrugged. “Probably have lunch or working at my computer.” He nodded. “So your life would

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Boys Need Risk

Do you have a risk taker in your house? You know, one boy who insists on climbing to the top of the swingset, then jumping down? Or one who’s always building the bike ramp higher and higher, pushing the limits of safety? Where does he

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Photo by kyz via Flickr

Boys and Sex

Kids today live in an increasingly sexualized world. Disney darling Miley Cyrus morphed from Hannah Montana into a full-blown sexy singer, and while some of her young fans (and many of their parents) disproved of her new look and lyrics, she’s traveling a well-worn path.

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Photo by tjook via Flickr

Teens and Mental Illness

How do you know when your son’s behavior crosses the line from typical teen to troubled? When — and how — should you intervene? This Wall Street Journal article has some answers. Have you ever dealt with a depressed teen? What have your experiences been

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Speak Up!

It’s the kind of story that breaks your heart. Two boys, ages 2 1/2 and 5, starved and beaten to the point of malnutrition and dehydration. Cops investigated and removed the boys from the home after the landlord reported not seeing the boys outside for

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Best of the Blogs: Parenting

Parenting is hard work — but maybe not as hard as we make it. In Why Good Parenting is Less Work Than You Think, blogger Denise Schipani writes about some intriguing new research that suggests parents may have far less power over their kids’ potential

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