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Helping Boys Learn

Happy Teachers Day! Have you thanked a teacher yet? Schools often get a bad rap, particularly where boys are concerned. In many places, school has become a sit-down-and-shut-up kind of place, a place where recess and gym are being phased out in favor of more…worksheets.

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What About Less-Than-Ideal Male Role Models?

The current culture portrayed by the media denigrates both men and women into sex-starved animals. We are much more than that. This not only marginalizes women, but it also debases men. In addition to seeing portrayals of strong women, I believe it is important for

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Real Life With Real Boys

Photo by Hans S via Flickr Today, I was the expert, at least for an hour. I presented a one-hour session about Homeschooling Boys at the Wisconsin Parents Association conference. It was a great experience, as always. (I love talking to other parents about the

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Helping Boys in a Sex-Soaked Society

At age six, my youngest son — my innocent, cherubic-faced son — told me that his “rich, secret life” would include lots of tractors. And 1000 girls. The tractors were no surprise. This boy has loved John Deere tractors and all kinds of heavy construction

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Boys & Bullying, Take 2

I was bullied as a child and no one ever told me that I had a RIGHT to my well-being and I learned to “take it.” As a result, I allowed people to push me around and I became a frightened, timid, individual until I

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Boys & Bullying, Take 2

I was bullied as a child and no one ever told me that I had a RIGHT to my well-being and I learned to “take it.” As a result, I allowed people to push me around and I became a frightened, timid, individual until I

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Helpful Blogs for Parents of Boys

There are 250 blogs participating in this year’s blogathon! In 2009 — the first year I participated in the blogathon — there were less than 30. That year, I ran a full list of participating bloggers. This year, I’m going to suggest some blogs that

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Blogathon 2012!

You’ll be hearing a lot more from me this month. Today is May 1, and it’s the official kick-off day for Blogathon 2012, an event planned and sponsored by Michelle Rafter of WordCount. The Blogathon is a challenge — participants are supposed to blog every

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Boys & Bullying

We need to talk about bullying. My news feed this morning contained not one, but two, disturbing stories of boys who were bullied. Boy #1, a 10-year-old, has been charged with a crime after taking a BB gun to school to intimidate his bullies. Boy

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Boys & Bullying

We need to talk about bullying. My news feed this morning contained not one, but two, disturbing stories of boys who were bullied. Boy #1, a 10-year-old, has been charged with a crime after taking a BB gun to school to intimidate his bullies. Boy

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Thoughts on Mama’s Boys

Have you ever been counseled to push your son away? To create some psychological distance between yourself and your son? To stop “babying” him or kissing or hugging him? Ahmeritt, a Blogging ‘Bout Boys reader was. Her son is now 18, but she distinctly remembers

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Building Boys

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