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Q & A with the Author of The Achilles Effect

Have you read The Achilles Effect? I have and I’ll say this: I’ll never look at media the same way again. I thought I was already pretty savvy to the subtle influences of media, but after reading the book, I’m even more acutely aware of the

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The Challenge of Raising Boys

Photo via U.S. National Archives What concerns you the most about parenting boys?  Three of my top 3 boy-raising concerns are: 1) Respect. I want my boys to learn to treat men and women, young and old, with respect, and I’d like that respect to

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Boys at a Glance

I missed Wordle Day! When I signed on for Blogathon 2012, I was particularly looking forward to one theme day: Wordle Day. I was introduced to the concept of a Wordle about a year ago, at the School of the Arts in Rhinelander. The idea

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Remembering the Children

My boys, thank God, do not fully understand war. To them, war is battles and weapons, strategy and excitement. They do not know the smell of death or sounds of ordinance. They know war from a distance only — on TV and safely tucked in

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Best of the Blogs

 I’m a little late (OK, a lot late) getting today’s post up because I spent the day at a local wetlands with my kindergartener and his class. I found a lot of great content this week, though! Here is this week’s Best of the Blogs:

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How To Tell Your Son ‘I Love You’

It’s been one of those days around here. It’s almost 7 pm, we still haven’t eaten and, as Robert Frost would say, I have miles to go before I sleep. So today, I offer you one of my all-time most popular posts, 14 Ways to

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Blogging Tips

It’s time for another Blogathon Theme Day! Today’s theme: If I started blogging today, I would… I started blogging in 2009 because I heard it was the thing to do. Writers everywhere were started blogs, and I’d knew be behind if I didn’t at least

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The Best Way to Parent

What’s the best way to parent boys? A few years ago, a reader sent me this insightful comment (after reading Mommy Wars? What Mommy Wars?), which changed the way I think (& write) about parenting:  I think one of the problems in this parenting world comes about

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Doing the Best We Can

I’ve been thinking a lot about how other moms treat one another. Especially after a reader sent me an insightful comment after reading Mommy Wars? What Mommy Wars?:  I think one of the problems in this parenting world comes about when a parent states one of

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Building Boys

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