Boys vs Girls: Teaching Strategies

Image Source A mixed learning environment can have lots of benefits. But some teaching strategies may not apply well to both genders. The way that both boys’ and girls’ brains tick is different. Here are some ways of getting boys to learn that differ from

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How to Help Your Child Pick the Right IT Career

Information technology, or IT for short, is a massive subject that encompasses a lot of different fields. There are many different specialisations to pick from. What your child will enjoy solely depends on their interests now, and it’s important that you don’t funnel them down

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Surefire Methods For A Child-Friendly Home

Parents can be excused for being particularly prone to worry. After all, the job of a parent is incredibly worrisome. If you have a child, or children, you will know exactly what this experience is like. You are constantly afraid that something is going to

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Why You Need to Read “Moral Combat”

The answer, in 4 words: Because you have boys. The answer, in 14 words: Because you have boys, and video games are a big part of boy culture. The slightly longer, more philosophical answer: Because many of the things you think and know about video

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How the War on Video Games is Hurting Your Son

Patrick Markey knows video games. He grew up in the mid-1980s, during what he calls “the Golden Era of video games, when arcades were everywhere.” Today, he’s a gamer, parent and psychologist who has spent the last 10 years researching the effects of video games. He’s

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Building Boys

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